
Clan: Tremere   Generation: 11   Sire: Salvador Simonis   Childer: Matio and others   Title: Librarian (House Ipsissimus Chantry, Tri-Island City)     Biography   Xanthus was born in the late 1950's and grew up with a fascination for the occult. He studied and practiced different forms of magic, seeking out forbidden knowledge and rituals that were deemed too dangerous by others. In the early 1990s, he was embraced by Salvador Simonis, who recognized Xanthus' potential as a kindred with knowledge of the occult.   For several years, Xanthus remained loyal to the Camarilla, using his skills to aid his sire and other Tremere. However, he began to question their methods and motivations, and eventually fled from their authority in 2006. Xanthus found refuge among the anarchs, joining their ranks and swearing to live free from the control of the Ivory Tower.     Appearance   Xanthus is a tall man of 6'3". He has fully embraced the occult and being a kindred, dressing the part. He sports a goatee, medium length hair, and large red and black overcoats. He wears his round glasses most of the time and can stay cooped up in his clock tower for months on end.  
  Modern Nights   In modern nights, Xanthus makes his haven in a clock tower on the edge of the Baron Eric's Entertainment District domain.   Xanthus, Hasan Bartell, and Baron Eric are a coterie but they've rarely seen eachother over the past handful of years.   He leads a small group of ghouls and works to protect his domain from any threats, both mortal and supernatural. Xanthus is also the sire of Matio, who he embraced after his old partner Hans nearly attacked and killed him. He feels a sense of responsibility for Matio and strives to teach him how to survive as a kindred in this chaotic world.


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