
Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Lucien   Childer: Unknown   Generation: 9     Biography   Selene is a skilled fighter and often acts as a scout and spy for the Camarilla. She is a master of seduction and manipulation. Her main goal is to use these skills to gain influence and power over others, particularly within the political sphere. She has a playful and almost detached personality with a rather unique sense of humor that not many others recognize and even fewer share.   Selene and Core had a romantic relationship that ended amicably when he left the Camarilla. She has since become ingrained in the Ivory Tower even further and is viewed as a very loyal member of the local Camarilla. She holds no ill will towards Core or his choices but also wouldn't hesitate to fight him if their paths crossed again. She has a deep respect and admiration for him, but also holds her own opinions and is not afraid to challenge him if necessary.       Appearance   Selene, although very attractive, has a more ethereal quality to her beauty. Her delicate features and long, flowing white-blonde hair give her an almost otherworldly appearance. Her slender frame belies her incredible strength, and she moves with a feline grace that is both mesmerizing and unsettling. She favors long, flowing dresses that highlight her feminine curves, and her choice of clothing is often complemented by intricate silver jewelry.     Haven   Selene's haven is an expansive mansion located in Center Island of the Tri-Island city surrounded by beautiful gardens and bordering a large, wooded park. The interior is luxurious and decorated with elegant furniture and artwork from various parts of the world. She has a team of ghouls who work as her security staff and assistants, all of whom are trained in combat and are fiercely loyal to Selene. They also assist her in maintaining her extensive collection of weapons, equipment, and oddities.     Modern Nights   Selene is lives under the domain of Prince Vanessa Coal, performing espionage for her. She, under the suggestion of herald Charles Castle, has begin to set surveillance on The Coterie.


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