Anzu Species in Waking Materia | World Anvil
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Anzu (ahn-zoo)

A Diverse Family of Feathered Dragons

Anzu are a general term for "feathered dragons" that exist on the planes of Achros, Cephera, Kalmor, and Waking Materia, among others. On Materia, they come in all sizes, from the small nightstalkers to horse-sized moderate anzu to the giant tiam-anzu. Among Materia's First Empire, they were known as Avalerion (plural: Avaleriot).

Though they share superficial similarities, anzu are not related to true dragons.  


  See: Anzu Image Gallery (External)  


The biology of the anzu is disputed. Most schools believe they are feathered cousins to the "true" dragons, though some believe their draconic character is a coincidence, and that they're more a lizardlike cousin of sphinxes and lammassu. They may even be neither.  


Nightstalkers are found throughout Materia. Cunning and adaptable, these creatures have carved out niches from the most remote desert oases to the streets of Materia’s most bustling cities. They range in size from a hand’s width (banner, left) to half a Meranthic human’s height at the shoulder. Though many cultures consider them vermin, they're popular in others as companions and arcane/occult familiars. Wild nightstalkers have an intelligence comparable to a dog or human child.  


Extremely rare in the Third Age, anzu are the larger cousins of nightstalkers. They range in size from roughly equal to about twice a human’s height at the shoulder. According to what First and Second Age documents remain, anzu were once a rich and diverse group, but are now limited to small populations of more mountainous species on the islands of Tiam's Cradle, The Spine of Yorm and the tallest Voidward peaks of Marai and the Skylands.

Though their grasp of language is poor, adult anzu have an intelligence comparable to a young adult humanoid.  


Dragons or Tiam-Anzu, finally, are the epitome of Waking Fauna, or perhaps were the epitome, as they have not been seen for centuries (though sightings are claimed). Adult tiam-anzu are at minimum twice the height of an average human at the shoulder, usually three to five times taller or more. Their necks and torsos also tend to be more elongated, giving them a more ‘serpentine’ silhouette than nightstalkers and anzu (banner, right).

Adult Tiam-Anzu have intelligences equal to or perhaps even surpassing adult humanoids. They were said to dislike speaking the tongues of the First Empires, but were able to without trouble.

The archipelago of Tiam's Cradle is so named as it was host to the richest population of feathered dragons in Materia's First Age. However tensions with the local Ghost Elves (Enari) escalated to a point of no return with the elves declaring a Blood Oath against dragonkind. The ensuing violence, often called the Second Dragon Wars, decimated the tiam-anzu population and caused Tallari to rescind their blessings over the plane.  

In Humanoid Culture

Of the Three Draconic Gods worshipped commonly by Material humanoids, only Tallari-Anaviri-Irallat appears to have any relationship to the tiam-anzu; in fact at least two surviving texts claim they were the "God Queen of the Tiam-Anzu", a title that, among other things, had an ambassadorial role with the humanoid civilizations. Most regarded them as an enigmatic but mostly benevolent figure, whose advice and proclamations tended to be sound, if not outright paradigm-shifting if the listener was smart enough to grasp the full meaning beneath their strange, riddle-laden way of speaking.

The yamabushi monks of the Ashina and Morō clans of Marai have the tiam-anzu as their Totem Kami. Mount Imanotsurugi, in Ashina territory, is one of few places moderate anzu can still be seen, and tiam-anzu were said to treat the mountain as holy in the First Age.

The Anzu Riders of Tel are an ancient, knightly order which traces its lineage back to the legendary Sagasingers of V'Shaat. As their name implies, they develop such deep bonds with their moderate anzu that the otherwise irritable creatures allow themselves to be mounts. Some Dragon Knights of Tallarax have also been known to ride anzu as mounts.

Banner: Diminutive nightstalkers (left) and a mighty tiam-anzu (right).


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