
The Ghost Elves; Rugged and Spiritual Humanoids with a Preference for Arctic-Oceanic Ecosystems

Variably called white elves, ghost elves, bone elves or snow elves by other cultures, the enari are a light-skinned, light-haired species of Meranthic (mixed human-elven) Humanoid. They are mainly found in the Sulatian and Pitravite Eighths of the Greater Eridún Crux Region (GECR), and are considerably less numerous than their Meranthic cousins the Eladrin, the Altnoréth and the Drow. Unlike other varieties of elf who are famously cold-intolerant, enari are most comfortable at sub-arctic temperatures.



  See also: Enari Image Gallery (External)
The enari are more robust and short-statured than their eladrin & drow cousins, with pale, almost ghostly complexions and grey to white hair, sometimes with shades of blue and purple. They commonly carry the 'Hawkeye' Gene, which gives the carrier's eyes a gemlike mixture of green, blue and brown. It also gives them better vision on average, similar to noted effects in certain wildling aspected births.  

On Waking Materia

Enari of Waking Materia are thought to be children of Ahm's First Aspect, the Sword of of Morningtide.

The ghost elves are typically a remote people, aloof to the cultures of other humanoids, but as the Veil fades and Materia’s oceans grow less dangerous, they are beginning to make contact once again with the great Waking Civilizations. And they come with grave warnings...  


A remote and spiritual people, they mainly inhabit the myriad islands around Stargrave and Tiam's Cradle, although a smaller populations survive on the Ar Shau ("Autumn Isles") Coreward of the Broken Empire and the Tei-Oru ("Illusionary Isles") Coreward of the Skylands. They have a particular affinity to arctic-oceanic ecosystems, maintaining strictly reverent relationships with elder spirits of the permafrost, basalt crags, walruses, narwhals, moose and the like.

Most gregarious are the small handful of surviving tribes in western Nurin, though due to their eccentric and often poetic ways, even their friends and visitors still feel very "left in the dark".  


Unlike most cultures, enari see little difference between the Material Gods, the Duskscape Regents and the First Spirits, seeing the Veil separating the realms as little different from an ocean separating two continents. They mainly worship Ahm (particularly their progenitor spirit and Ahm's first aspect, the Sword of Morningtide), but have various rituals and occasions giving thanks to other gods and elder spirits for roles in good hunting, music, environmental protection and the like.  


Called U'shu'e ("Rememberers"), individual enari are born more magically powerful and wise beyond their years, perhaps a similar phenomena to Drow Matriarchs. Most noticeably different from the Matriarchs, however, is they are not born horned or especially tall, but rather their skin is mottled in bizarre and colourful patterns, in stark contrast to the normally chalky, faded appearances of ghost elves. These patterns are most often flowing and layered, like sandstones. It is unknown if this is a type of Aspected birth like aasimar or elemental scions, or something unique.

The U'shu'e's magical talents and deep ancestral memories are valued in all known enari societies and as such they're usually given positions of great prestige & responsibility. That said, the phenomenon often features a more adventurous disposition than their reclusive kin, and so these individuals bring a different—perhaps more important—gift to their tribes: wider perspectives and great tales from their journeying. When a traveling U'shu'e returns from their wanderings (sometimes decades-long for the slow-aging ghost elves), it is a matter of great celebration, like being visited by an ancestral hero.
  An enari woman of Tei-Oru or the Illusionary Isles, in the Skylands to the far Coreëast of Marai.
  An enari ranger of Ar-Shau or the Autumn Isles, to the far Corewest of the Broken Empire. Enari are rarely found on the Voidward ends of the plane due to their dislike of hot weather.


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