Body Wardrobes

Body Wardrobes were hermetically-sealed spaces -- from the size of coffins to entire, multi-room tombs -- designed to house and preserve unused bodies. Their use is only recorded in two recovered documents originating from the First Age New Rozsan Empire. They were of an arcane-technological make that is no longer understood by Third Age scholars: no records of their construction have survived the the Deluge and the subsequent chaos of the Second Age. Body Wardrobes were likely an invention of the Lichlord and Colonial God Vierix Pramanix.  


The ruling Lichlords of the First Age were able to transfer their souls between vessels, usually bodies or phylacteries. Indeed, most kept entire "wardrobes" of bodies of various bio-engineered make set aside for different purposes, for example the mighty "warbodies" for combat & warfare or "galaskins" for sexual prowess & drug tolerance. Often vain creatures, many Lichlords also kept clones of their mortal bodies, sometimes with idealized modifications.

Some of these bodies would lie for decades, even centuries, without being used, and so physical decay was a problem that needed to be solved. It was allegedly the Lichlord and reclusive genius Vierix Pramanix that did so.

It is unknown if the Kelpeater Dominion possessed similar methods, or just created bodies on demand for their immortal rulers.  


The methods of preservation are only described by two surviving pieces of writing, and only second-hand. It seems that spaces were hermtically sealed by removing all the air from within: how this was done is unknown, nor is it fully understood why this needed to be done. The sealed space was then placed in a second space, wherein arcane methods were used to drop the temperature to well below freezing. The second method lines up with modern understanding of how coldness inhibits decay.

Based on these methods, studies are currently under way to reverse-engineer ways to better preserve food and other organic materials.
A portrait of Vierix Pramanix in his study.
A body wardrobe of Lichlord Na'ashu.


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Aug 12, 2024 05:07 by Susanne Lamprecht

The technology is one part, but I want to direct the attention to the idea of using bodies like other people would use clothes! This is just amazing!

Vampire loving servant of several chaotic forces.

Current Project: Die verlorenen Legionen

Aug 12, 2024 17:05 by Alan Byers

So kind Davina, thank you!