
Colonial God, Lichlord, Archdiviner and Spymaster of the Kelpeater Empire

Na'ashu was a Colonial God and Lieutenant Lichlord to God-Emperor Inum'indiron'aravaut (Ina'ut) on First Age Waking Materia. Like all Kelpeater Lichlords, she bore the title Šaru'um ("Great Lord").

Na'ashu was known to be an archdiviner and draconic sorcerer of substantial power, perhaps the most cunning of the Kelpeater Lichlords. Some scholars theorize her draconic bloodline was "lying with half-truths" and she was a true dragon by birth; others dismiss this as propaganda that was planted and spread by the Kelpeaters themselves.

Na'ashu's alignment was likely Lawful Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Image Gallery: Na'ashu (External)
Art generally portrays Šaru'um Na'ashu as tall and lithe, with long, dark hair (in fact her willowy figure, combined with no indications of secondary arms, suggests she may not have been Kelpeater by ancestry; perhaps elven or aikyo). She was often seen wearing dragonshorn crowns or dress hats.  


Though all Lichlords of the Kelpeater Empire were worshipped as undead gods, Na'ashu's Domains, Favoured Weapon(s), Divine Skill(s), etc. are no longer known, though they likely involved arcana, divination, wyrmkin, ice/cold, lore, indulgence, or carousing.  


If the Skyreaver and Ur-Predator were God-Emperor Ina'ut's fists, Na’ashu was his eyes and ears. She was the Empire's lead diviner and spymaster, unusual in that she was not at all secretive; indeed, she was a fashionable and gregarious member of the crown-pantheon, as eager to attend parties and dicussion salons as she was to play cat-and-mouse with the empire's enemies (usually via crystal ball, from the comfort of her study).

It is said when Na’ashu was pursuing a quarry she would make sophisticated simulacra of the target, and though the clone lacked the target’s memories, she would gain much insight in her “sessions” with them. Though dark things were whispered about what these “sessions” entailed, others insisted the things were afforded every iota of royal hospitality.

In one apocryphal account, an overly daring noble was said to have responded with "Gesundheit!" when she introduced herself: she promptly had him dismembered and fed to her steppe drakes.  


Na'ashu died in the Battle of Terss, in direct combat with the draconic god of apocalypses, Elir-Otrinax, placing her among the Departed Gods in Material theo-cosmology. It is said she fought alongside one of the great students of the wizard-god Merlinkainen, an aikyo archdiviner by the name of Tekchinyulot Ch'tosé of Locrian Hall. It is one of the few examples of the Insurgent Gods and the Colonial Gods cooperating against a mutual enemy.

Banner art credit: Goran Gligović


Ascendant (Early First Age), now deceased (killed by Elir-Otrinax in the the First Dragon Wars)   Alignment
LE or NE   Domains
Unknown   Favoured Weapon
Unknown   Relic Weapon
Unknown   Warbody

Cover image: by Goran Gligović


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