Dead Reckoning Ultruuniax

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Generic article | Oct 23, 2024

A name that is so feared it is hardly spoken at all, Dead Reckoning Ultruuniax is the ultimate symbol of the uncaring, overwhelmingly predatory nature of the Sunken Expanse. It has been described as the Apex of Apexes, the King of the Kaiju, the Bane of the LIving and more.

When it has ventured onto land (a mercifully rare occurrence), the most powerful forces on the plane are forced to congregate and meet its onslaught. This includes not only the Material demigods themselves, but also flocks of the mighty Tiam-Anzu, dragonlike apexes of the feathered quadrupeds. It is possible these mighty battles are the reason why Tiam-Anzu populations are so vanishingly low in Waking Materia's Third Age; if so, the Material populace owes these creatures a debt of gratitude that can likely never be repaid.

Dead Reckoning Ultruuniax's origins are unknown. Some believe calling it a "mere" kaiju is doing it a disservice, that is it an older, even more primordial thing than the mighty sea monsters, perhaps a living avatar of Materia's own wroth.  


Ultruuniax presides over an enormous territory seemingly centered on the floating, dimensionally anomalous ruins of Stargrave, and has been seen as far west as the Damskrohn Islands in Valamon and as far east as Tiam's Cradle.

Some posit the dimensionally anomalous nature of Stagrave is due to the sheer, reality-scarring power required by the Material demigods and the Tiam-Anzu to fight back such a monstrosity.  


Dead Reckoning Ultruuniax is a god-killing arsenal made flesh. The monster is a vaguely lizardlike mess of spines, teeth and talons, able to wreak destruction in all directions without slowing. A single swipe of its mighty tail can fell entire forests. It is frighteningly swift both on land and in the water and staggeringly clever. Perhaps most frightening is its breath weapon: a focused, far-reaching beam of raw energy emitted from its massive maw. Unnatural valleys remain on Valamon and Tiam's Cradle, carved by this incomparable power.


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Oct 20, 2024 19:07 by CoolG

Yeah... *slowly turns around* Nope! *dashes off like the Flash*

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Oct 20, 2024 20:53 by Imagica

It is definitely worthy of its name! That was delightful :)

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Oct 20, 2024 22:19

Oooh, yeah, stuff of nightmares ^^' Nice.