
The Skyreaver

Indu'una was one of the most powerful and influential Colonial Gods of the First Age Age, originating from the plane of Lorgain. One of God-Emperor Inum'indiron'aravaut (Ina'ut)'s two veteranmost Fists (lieutenants specializing in warfare), Indu'una was a warlord of near-unparalleled skill and wit. His specialty was the taming and breeding of megafauna for warfare, for example anzu/drakes as flying mounts, or rampaging wurms & baloths as forward troops. His elitemost troops, who also rode domesticated megafauna, were known as Devastators. Like all Kelpeater Lichlords, Indu'una bore the title Šaru'um ("Great Lord") under Ina'ut, who was the Ša'ar'šara'ani ("Lord of Lords").

The Skyreaver's techniques would later be adapted, with some success, by armies of the Insurgent Churches, most famously the Anzu Riders of Tel.

Lichlord Indu'una's alignment is unknown but was likely Lawful Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Lichlord Indu'una Image Gallery (External)

Indu'una was generally portrayed as tall (for an Ula'thau'la) and wiry-strong, with long, ponytailed dark-red hair and well-kept beard. As with many great Kelpeater heroes, he had four fully functional arms, the result of permanent transmutation magicks which grow the Kelpeaters' secondary, vestigial pair to normal size.

Despite being a devoted field commander, he was known to be vain and a stickler for appearances, with crates of cosmetics lining his war tents. He would demand the same level of hygiene from his officers, with harsh punishments for inadequacy.  


Though all Lichlords of the Kelpeater Empire were worshipped as undead gods, Indu'una's Domains, Favoured Weapon(s), Divine Skill(s), etc. are no longer known, though they likely involved warfare, nature, tyranny, subjugation, travel, arcana, wind or lightning.  


Lorgain was an advanced plane, and Inum'indiron'aravaut arrived on Materia prepared. The God Emperor of Alanthan'aravaut counted many powerful and innovative members of his imperial guard, including the lesser Lichlord Indu’una, known as the Skyreaver. He was an expert in the taming and military use of megafauna like anzu, mammoths, thunderbirds, dire dromons and his favourite: wyverns. Few of Materia’s First Age megafauna have survived to the present; some are the modern relatives of Indu’una’s breeding experiments.

Indu’una’s military arrogance would be his downfall, and was eventually defeated in a certámen duel with the archillusionist and Insurgent God, Merlinkainen.


Ascendant (Early First Age or earlier), now deceased (killed in certámen with Merlinkainen)   Alignment
Likely LE   Domains
Unknown   Favoured Weapon
Unknown   Relic Weapon
Unknown   Warbody


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