Gods of Waking Materia by Alignment

A classic method in Dungeons & Dragons and adjacent games to establish a quick and rough view of an entity's sense of morality or motivation, Alignment uses two axes, with Neutral (N) in the centre of each: Good (G) vs. Evil (E) and Lawful (L) vs. Chaotic (C). These are relatively self-explanatory, but a good detailed description can be found on the d20PFSRD.

The following is a list of Waking Materia's worshipped deities organized by alignment. Overbeings are listed above Material Gods, which are in turn listed above Duskscape Regents.  

Banner: Good-aligned gods The Field Marshal (LG), V'Shaat (CG) and Ninalta (NG).

Profile: The Field Marshal does battle with Asphodel.
Illust. Unknown artist

Character Portrait image: by Unknown Artist


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