
The Listener at the Edge

Lakodalmas is a Lichlord and former Colonial God of the New Rozsan Empire. Usually preceded by the Rozsan title 'Vierix', he was third in rank only to his twin God-Emperors Nir and Nef. He was to be the eldest of the Rozsan immortals, perhaps even older than the twin godlords, and likely comparable in power, though the soft-spoken archmage is rarely roused to display it.

Vierix Lakodalmas is one of few First Age Lichlords known to have survived the Deluge. He quietly rules over a tiny, suviving stretch of his original territory known as the Sultanate of Furia, a crescent of islands Voidward of the Federated Sultanates of Khayyam. Only one other Sultan has any idea about his vast history.

Lakodalmas's alignment is Lawful Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Vierix Lakodalmas Image Gallery (External)
Lakodalmas was rarely seen by most New Rozans. When visited in his sanctum, he usually took the form of a titanic black dragon, with a serpentine body gilded in golden skin grafts. When seen in public, he took the form of a tall, lithe Rozan male with long, black hair and elegant clothing. It is unkown if he is a true dragon by birth or the draconic form is simply a warbody.  


Almost no surviving information on Lakodalmas's past exists. He is known to be one of the most—if not the most—ancient Rozsan Lichlords and one of the founding members of the New Rozsan Empire's ruling council, the Temporal Vanguard. He was rarely seen even in the First Age and seldom participated in the Vanguard's affairs, at least directly, but it was generally accepted that the Rozsan godlords near-universally valued his wisdom. Even Nir herself sought his counsel on the rare occasion she felt a pang of apprehension rise above her usual storm of frantic plans, projects and theories.

Banner art credit: Jun Suemi, Kim Dong Hyuk


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