
Nitoxis is one of the ten major planes of the Eridún Crux and namesake of the Nitoxite Eighth section of the Greater Eridún Crux Region (GECR). It is known for its lack of daylight: while it does have an Arcane Quintessential layer above its Material one, it emits luminescence far weaker than any other known plane, making Nitoxis permanently dim in its central region and utterly dark around its peripheries. Major humanoid cultures include drow, wayangs, svirfneblin and true goblins, as well as Created races like astomoi.

The permanent darkness of Nitoxis makes it useful for a variety of cosmological studies conducted by the Daybreak Empire, and is the empire's central research hub for star-mapping and Voidwalking.

Their demonym is Nitoxite.  

The Nitoxite Eighth

The major (Class III+) planes in the Nitoxite Eighth of the GECR, ordered by population, include:

  • Rozsa
  • Sarkomand
  • Hatshepsix
  • Terminal Vista
Plane of Existence

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