On the Hecath: The Collected Writings of Vierix Clymenikari Document in Waking Materia | World Anvil

On the Hecath: The Collected Writings of Vierix Clymenikari

On the Hecath: The Collected Writings of Vierix Clymenikari is a series of First Age journal entries by the explorer, xenobiologist, social theorist, Lichlord (Rozsan: "Vierix") and low-ranking member of New Rozsa's ruling Temporal Vanguard, Clymenikari. Though they cover several adjacent subjects, the journals' main subject is the biology and sociology of the intelligent, non-Humanoid Hecath, centered around Clymenikari's close relationship with the gregarious Hecath Queen, Raggedy Azra.

Clymenikari was forced to publish the documents against her will after the Temporal Vanguard learned of their existence: she rightly feared a full accounting of the Hecath Symbionts' intelligence and the Queens' demigodlike capabilities would inspire paranoia among the Rozsan Lichlords, and therefore a desire to control. Indeed, their publication would set off a series of events that led to the Hecath Wars, culminating in the the Hemlock Veldt Disaster.

Only one original copy is known, recovered from an ancient library in the remote Khayyamite Sultanate of Furia. A few printed copies are now in the possession of Khayyamite and Maraian nobility. More originals are one of the more sought-after pieces of writing among modern anthropologists.  


On the Hecath is generally divided into three major parts: 1. preliminary theories and exploration of Hecath lands; 2. a series of "personal" chapters were Clymenikari grows dispirited after several failures to make contact, and 3. Clymenikari's interactions and deepending relationship with Raggedy Azra and her loyal Symbionts.  

Initial Theories

The early chapters of the Collected Writings are a compilation of generally sociological wiritings arguing for the Hecath having approximately human intelligence based on patterns of behaviour and sophistication of some Hecath structures. Up until this point, the fungal insects were known by New Rozsan scholars but thought of as nothing more than wildlife.

The journals then describe several early attempts to make contact with the species. Though contact was unsuccessful in each, the differences in their reactions only reinforced the Lichlord's belief in their intelligence: some reacted with hostility, others with shy retreat, others utter indifference, showing that each colony seemed to have its own individual culture or "personality".  


The middle chapters slowly take on a richer, more autobiographical but sombre tone compared to the more scholarly initial chapters. Vierix Clymenikari is clearly growing disheartened with her failures to make significant inroads with any Hecath colonies. Now convinced of the Hecath's sapience, it is also here that she begins to see the potential harm these writings may bring if placed in the wrong hands. The New Rozsans were an arrogant and paranoid people: perhaps it was for the best that they saw the Hecath as simple, dumb fungus-bugs rather than the complex, potentially powerful sapients that they were. More than once she considered burning the works entirely and leaving the Hecath alone. She spent a few decades on other subjects, but the odd entry still indicated her passion for this unique and wonderous species.  

Raggedy Azra

If the first and second "chapters" of the Collected Writings were the size of a novella, the third is the size of a tome. The questions Clymenikari had around the Hecath simply couldn't remain unanswered; the middle chapters clearly presented a woman being eaten away from the inside. After a final, desperate search during a low period in her mental health, the Lichlord set off once more into the wilds of Waking Materia.

After another two years of searching, Clymenikari's long journey would finally bear fruit. Deep in the jungles of a land now lost beneath the Sunken Expanse, Clymenikari met a particularly curious and gregarious Queen. Deeper into their friendship, she would name the Queen Raggedy Azra (the Hecath do not have a sound-based language). Her inspiration for this name was intentionally kept secret: "I want her name to be her own, so I shall not write down my reason for choosing it. May I, too, forget."

These chapters are often visually beautiful, with Clymenikari's sketches of Raggedy Azra's myriad uncanny forms, as well as the hustle & bustle of Hecath nurseries, drones and Symbionts about their impressive "land stromatolite" structures. She developed a sign language to communicate with Raggedy Azra, taught in great detail in the journals. These works are considered masterpieces of both science and personal exploration, made all the more tragic by the Hecath Wars that were to follow.
Journal, Personal
Vierix Clymenikari   Date
Middle First Age   Provenance
New Rozsan Empire   Genre
Exploration, biology, sociology
Banner: [Left to Right] 1. Raggedy Azra in a radial form. 2. Vierix Clymenikari in her study. 3. A Hecath Symbiont.


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Jul 4, 2024 04:12 by Muse Sworn

This site is just gorgeous! <3