The Answer

The Answer is the name, or perhaps title, of one of the Twelve Valkyries of Rom: calamitously powerful beings in charge of the Death God's undead armies. Of all Overshepherd Rom's mighty commanders, The Answer's name is whispered with the most fear and derision among its enemies.

As with the other Eleven, The Answer can be worshipped in particular by members of Rom's church, and can grant boons in the same way other Duskscape Regents can. Their devotees are the fiercest and most aggressive of the twelve Rommite denominations.

The Answer's alignment is Lawful Neutral.  


  See also: Image Gallery: Rom and the Valkyries (External)
Like the other Eleven, The Answer takes the form of a large, vaguely feminine, winged humanoid. They have three pairs of wings, and their forehead is crowned with a radating fan of glowing blades. They wear fine armour of a make no longer recognizable by any Third Age smith. It is light and flowing in make, favouring mobility.  


In addition to the core Domains of Overshepherd Rom, The Answer also grants Might, Zeal and Sun. Their holy Favoured Weapon is the monk's spade. Their mighty Relic spade is the Ashiyurasenku.  

The Knights of the Gloaming

While most deceased souls feel driven to pass through the Deadlands of the Duskscape to the Twilight Eternities beyond, some noble souls decide to remain and fight on behalf of their bretheren, against the various Umbral forces that seek to control or corrupt them. Whether it's defending lost souls, hiding them, escorting them on long journeys or otherwise, each of the Twelve Armies have a particular duty within Rom's paradigm, each led by a Valkyrian commander. The Answer's role exemplifies "the best defense is a good offense", taking the fight directly to demons and other creatures that consume, enslave or otherwise defy the sanctity of lost or passing souls. They are the Godhead of the Knights of the Gloaming, considered the fiercest of Rom's militaries.  


The Answer keeps a relatively small corps of ghostly elites, souls of what were once great warriors in mortal life. The Knights of the Gloaming prefer sudden, brutal, surgical strikes on important demonic personnel or infrastructure, taking advantage of their incorporeal nature. Their attacks are limited, of course, only to demonic societies that defy the Old Accords and participate in undead consumption/enslavement; they are particularly hated enemies of the towering hive cities of Dis and Kloster Storkenfels.


Religious, Military

Cenobite worship (Overshepherd Rom)


Might, Zeal & Sun, as well as Rom's core Domains

Favoured Weapon
Monk's spade

Relic Weapon


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Aug 21, 2024 02:34 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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