The Cantigas de Santa Ajora

The Cantigas de Santa Ajora, often shortened to simply the Cantigas, are a series of First Age lyrical poems put to music, celebrating the writings, philosophies and heroism of Saint Ajora, before and after her ascension to Material godhood. Some lyrics are adapted directly from her own writings, namely the Edda of Saint Ajora, as well as other connected works of more questionable origin. They are most famously attributed to the Twelfth Allesander Caesar Leovold II, though the authorship of some are debated.

There are exactly fifty surviving songs in the collection, though a number were likely lost to the Deluge as well as other typical factors.  


The canonical Cantigas are thought to be composed by Leovold II, Twelfth Caesar of the Holy Coronex Parhelion in Splendour (now commonly called the Allesans). Indeed, he was known to be a poet and composer of immense skill, though it's also possible many songs were credited to him in order to gain his favour or elevate his reputation as a great sage and patron of the arts. Of the fifty Cantigas, about twenty-two are attributed to Leovold II with certainty, while about fifteen Cantigas are strongly thought to be written after his death. The rest are debated.  


The Cantigas remain popular in musical programmes all around the Broken Empire and even abroad, with some songs remaining in the collection of the faraway Ruskanseyrie in Valamon, an entire quadrant away and utterly separated by the haunted brine and lurking kaiju of the the Sunken Expanse. This likely makes the Cantigas some of the most widespread pieces of First Age art to survive to the modern era, barring their younger cousins the Cantigas de Santa Sanjo di Telura, various songs attributed to Laila By-the-Sea and programmes composed by the God-Empress of New Rozsa, Nir.

  Saint Ajora (Right) and Ninalta (Left).
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