The Organ of Clarion Canyon

Nested high above the great Clarion Canyon, deep in the rocky terranes of Calogrenant in the Broken Empire, one my find a large, finely-crafted pipe organ. Aside from its location it is a fairly standard, Late Second Age Middish make, built by the Passelewe Brothers Company in Calogrenant's capital, of the same name. A highly impressive machine, it has 80 pipes, requires two keyboardists to play and a dozen additional personnel to work the bellows.  


Calogrenant is a city that prides itself in the manufacture of fine instruments, and so it was decided that they would put on a concert that would truly solidify their status as the musical capital of the Midlands. Established for the centennial celebrations of 1399 I.M., the concert would involve transporting a Passelewe pipe organ, piece-by-piece, up to an appropriate lookout point above Clarion Canyon and reconstructed there, where the sound would be complimented by the chasm's natural acoustics.  


No expense was spared: the great Calogrenite composer Johfra Lilienthal was commissioned to write a piece specifically with the canyon's acoustics in mind. Famed Allesander organists Ramon Fior and Marcel Larazzabal were hired to play the piece. Titled A Solo Suite for Pipe Organ Overlooking Clarion Canyon and totaling about 50 minutes in length, the composition remains popular among keyboardists to this day, and has been arranged for orchestra, chamber ensemble and other solo instruments.  

Modern Day

The plan was the organ would then be taken down and returned, however the Passelewe Brothers Company went under shortly after, and lacking the funds to retrieve the organ, it sits on that spot to this day. It is an extremely popular tourist attraction, and teams of musicians (at minimum, the amount needed to play and power the immense machine) have since performed other pieces on the site. Most popular is the yearly Concerti Clariona event, where prizes are given out for best new organ composition, as well as performances of local favourites.

Subsequent Dukes and Duchesses of Calogrenant have so far been happy to bankroll maintenance on the machine due to its exposure to the elements.
  Famed composer Johfra Lilienthal, who composed the Solo Suite for Pipe Organ Overlooking Clarion Canyon.
World wonder

1399 I.M.

Passelewe Brothers Company, Calogrenant

Clarion Canyon, Calogrenant, The Midlands, The Broken Empire


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Aug 1, 2024 20:29 by CoolG

ooh I wanna visit this :O

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 24, 2024 17:40 by Alan Byers

I do too!

Aug 24, 2024 08:26

It's so crazy to build an organ on a high mountain almost in the clouds and its homage to Mr Bean is funny, which fits in very well with your absurd idea. It must sound great when played and it must have been difficult to build the organ in this place. It's nice that the residents are preserving the organ for posterity. I would have liked to read some stories or quotes that give you the feeling of being there.

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