The Victorious Noontide

Also known as the Rebel Gods, the Rebel Pantheon, the Unbowed and more, the Victorious Noontide is a group of demigods dedicated to the downfall of the mighty, interplanar Daybreak Empire. Collectively, they are the strongest force standing in the Empire's way by a considerable margin. Their name is in reference to the Empire's name, hearkening to a glorious "midday" following the "daybreak" of Empyreal rule. Though minor demigods enter and leave the pantheon (either through capture or death), there are thought to be seven commanding members at the core of the Unbowed.

The Rebel Pantheon rests on its own unique tier of divinity: though more influential than regional ascendant demigods whose power loci are limited to single planes, members of the Victorious Noontide are of a divine rank lower than the godhead of the Empire, considered a True Deity. As such they must exercise extreme caution in their interplanar comings & goings. How they manage to evade the Empire's godkillers and their divinity-nullifying weaponry is one of the greatest-kept secrets in the Known Universe.

Though there are a multitude of planes under Daybreak's rule with often substantial differences in culture, worship of the Victorious Noontide or any member thereof is uniformly prohibited, with punishments ranging from public humiliation to indentured servitude to execution. Nontheless, underground churches to the Unbowed are not uncommon, especially on more populous planes.  

The Core Pantheon

While the Victorious Noontide counts millions of supporters, mortal and immortal, across hundreds of planes, the central pantheon is considered a circle of seven.

  • The Finch: a mysterious god, said to be the progenitor & ringleader of the pantheon
  • The Fringewalker: a god of subterfuge, often credited with the ability of the Victorious Noontide to escape Dawnsgleam's notice
  • The Horizonseeker: a god of unimpeded movement
  • The Oaths Well-Sworn: a god of just leadership and anti-tyranny
  • The Exorsisters: a twin god of mortal inviolability
  • The Early Morning Hush: a god of unspoiled nature
  • The Radiant Black: a god of enlightened self-interest
  • Planes of Operation

    In addition to underground churches scattered across Empyreal territory, the Rebel Pantheon is influential on planes outside Dawnsgleam's immediate gaze, and offers resources to planar forces still in a state of resistance against Empyreal spread. Major Rebel planes include

  • Terminal Vista
  • Hatshepsix
  • Vangelis
  • Tassalit
  • Waking Materia
  • The Victorious Noontide

    Religious, Pantheon

    Ascendant demigods

    Interplanar; uniquitous across the Greater Eridún Crux Region

    Modus Operandi
    Overthrow of the Daybreak Empire, elimination of Dawnsgleam

    Profile image: A common heraldic crest of the Victorious Noontide. A bird, representing the spirit of freedom, flies effortlessly over a wall castle, representing the Daybreak Empire. They often also include a sun in splendour, representing the fullness of midday and an end to the dawn.


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