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E21 - Springs, Sorcerers, and Sphinxes

General Summary

Rising with the sun, the Protectors of the Pass gathered their belongings and once again hit the road, heading south toward the coast. They rested again in Brightstaff Commons, a town renowned for it's natural hot springs. While relaxing in the warm pools, Torrent shared the story of the town's name - The town is named after an artifact called Brightstaff, a powerful healing object. About 10 years ago, a red dragon named Vorax-Hul took the staff and the dwarven clerics who guarded it to his lair in place of destroying the town. Though grateful for the dwarves’ sacrifice, the townsfolk feel guilty and hope the dragon may one day be destroyed.   Back on the road, the party met Sir Quincy Felthuf, a knight of Lord Rego. He shared camp with the Protectors, and told them of the Lyceum's decision to not aid Rego in a situation decades prior. A sorcerer named Lsi-pu gained control of an air elemental and used it to attack Lord Rego's castle for weeks. The lord asked the Lyceum for aid, but none was given. Strangely, the Lsi-pu disappeared one day, and hasn't been seen since.   Continuing on their way, the Protectors witnessed a silver capped and mantled dwarf, playing with and riding on a sphinx. Knowing sphinxes preferred a stoic life of solidarity, this was an unusual sight indeed.   As they reached the coast, Jack felt inspired to share a bit about his five older siblings. Winry also shared that she had 2 older siblings, Rayland had 2 older brothers, and Bryn reminded everyone that she is also the youngest. They pondered on the strange coincidence of all being the youngest in their respective families, when they realized they had passed into the lands of Lady Namin. Upon this realization, the party noticed they were being followed by two knights. Wary of their passive pursuers, the Protectors of the Pass watched their backs, and readied themselves for whatever lies ahead, or behind them.

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In world date
1st Ambriel - 2nd Zeriel of Khalary 5754 AC
Report Date
23 Nov 2021
Primary Location

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