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The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of Ragesia, and the southwest of Shahalesti, its borders defined by craggy mountains defended by hundreds of small dwarven strongholds. Dassen's people, a swarthy assortment of humans and dwarves, cherish their land, to the point that superstitious cavalrymen even put dirt in their boots so never have to stop touching the soil of their homeland.   Originally known as the Eight Lands, when Dassen was unified fifteen years ago a ninth region was carved out, which became the holding of King Steppengard. Today Dassen is divided into nine regions, forming a loose ring around the central mountain range, the Toraest Steppes. King Steppengard rules over the eight feudal lords and ladies, as well as dozens of minor dwarven nobles who govern their own small holdings in the mountains.   There are no mighty cities in Dassen, only thousands of farms and towns growing out from the nine castles of the king and his dukes. The largest city, Bresk, lies on a major river beside Steppengard's castle, and is a hilly community built both above and below ground. Its population is two-thirds human, a quarter dwarf, and a small number of orcs and other races.   Dasseni architecture tends toward the stout and broad, and is typically adorned with various great cats, gem-patterns, and sphinx statues. People dress in multiple layers of drab clothes, clearly unaccustomed to such chill weather, though the tunnels underground are much warmer. Traditional Dasseni religion was mostly devoted to strength and warfare, but since the unification of the nation, a sect of the cave goddess Donhofreya has devoted itself to healing the nation. Donhofreyan prelates have earned great respect; many serve in the army, showing an eager mixture of militarism and medicine. The Order of the Aquiline Cross is on good terms with the Donhofreya prelacy.  

The Wayfarers

Every port in the region has at one time or another been host to the Wayfarer Theater, a beautifully-decorated ship that is both home and base of operations for the Wayfarers. The Wayfarers are both master acrobats and skilled mages, prone to dress in elaborate and eclectic costumes with elements cobbled together from dozens of lands.


  • Dassen
    The Kingdom of Dassen is a feudal monarch land ruled over by King Steppengard. Largely populated by humans and dwarves, the land has few cities but bountiful farm land.

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