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E4 - Rats, Badgers, & Imps

General Summary

Leaving Gabal's School of War , the party began their trek through the city to the elven quarter. Using their knowledge of elven trickery, Jack and Myetharia were able to locate the hidden entrance, and quickly found their way to the carpentry shop mentioned on the map obtained from Shealis' dormitory. Finding the entrance to the shop similarly obfuscated, the party searched the exterior, eventually finding a section of the wall made of wood but painted to look like stone.     Next to the false wall was a series of switches, with images imprinted above each - an image of a winged woman with a musical horn, a muscled nobleman with the head of a lion, and an armored woman with a large sword, ready to defend. Using the text from the map "Arborea before Elysium before Celestia," the party prepared to enter the combination to open the door, when a sourceless voice spoke out to them.     The voice turned out to be a rat person who introduced himself as Kurychek. He offered to help the party get into the building in exchange for the box that they themselves sought, just without the contents. Denying his request, Jack turned to enter the combination when Kurychek lunged at him. Rayland stepped in front of Jack and was able to snatch the rat with his pack. Realizing he was outmatched, Kurychek escaped the pack and fled off into the night. Jack entered the combination, and the party was able to step inside.     Within, the party found a shop filled with doors in various states of construction, and four celestial badgers, their chromatic coats shining in the dancing firelight from a nearby hearth. The party calmed the guard badgers, and were called upstairs by a pair of voices. Taking the stairs, the party found themselves in a spartan room. The occupants were Galaeron, a dark skinned male elf, and Saphielle, a fair skinned and light haired female elf. They stated their working relationship with Shealis, and through a number of lies, the party was able to convince the two that they also worked for Shealis, and the box was to go to them. However, to convince them of this, Jack gave them each party member's true name.     Convinced, the elves loyal to Shahalesti gave the box to the party, who quickly made their way out of the building. Once outside, the part was once again accosted by Kurychek, who revealed his true form as a devilish imp. The party subdued and tied up Kurychek, and quickly made their way to the temple of the Knights of the Aquiline Cross.     Once there, the party reconnected with Torrent and Funzbar Biteknee, surrounded by dozens of citizens trying to escape the battle raging outside. The priest Buron Watcher led the party to a hidden chamber to hide and rest, but not before Jack gave a brief performance to lighten the mood. When the party had settled in the hidden room, they struck a deal with Kurychek - he could have the box if he let the party rest, and also did not reveal their identities to his handlers in Ragos. Agreeing, he shook Jack's hand, and the accord was magically struck. The party, exhausted from the excitement of the day, laid down for a much needed rest.

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In world date 
New Year's Day, 5754 AC
Report Date
25 May 2021
Primary Location
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