Badger Rider Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Badger Rider

Halfling Only

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T2 T1 T3 T1 T1 T4

Career Path

T1 Badger Botherer — Silver 1

Skills: Animal Training (Badgers), Charm Animal, Dodge, Gossip, Perception, Ranged (Sling), Ride (Badger), Trade (Any)
Talents: Fast Shot, Flee!, Marksman, Roughrider
Trappings: Backpack, Leather Jack, Sling, Tamed Badger with Saddle/Tack

T2 Badger Rider — Silver 3

Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Cool, Endurance, Melee (Basic), Navigation, Ranged (Entangling)
Talents: Accurate Shot, Rover, Seasoned Traveller, Stout-hearted
Trappings: Saddlebags, Boiled Leather Breastplate, Entangling OR Throwing weapon

T3 Badger Sergeant — Silver 5

Skills: Intimidate, Melee (Cavalry), Outdoor Survival, Track
Talents: Distract, Resolute, Trick Riding, Tunnel Rat
Trappings: Badger Barding (2AP on head and torso), Melee Weapon (Basic OR Cavalry)

T4 Badger Master — Gold 1

Skills: Consume Alcohol, Leadership
Talents: Carouser, Frightening, Inspiring, Strike to Injure
Trappings: Large Tame Badger (Mootland Spotted Pony-Badger), A Squire (Badger Botherer), Plate Armour, Sense of Humour

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Generic article | May 28, 2024

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