Halfling Species in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Weapon Skill 2d10+10
Ballistic Skill 2d10+30
Strength 2d10+10
Toughness 2d10+20
Initiative 2d10+20
Agility 2d10+20
Dexterity 2d10+30
Intelligence 2d10+20
Willpower 2d10+30
Fellowship 2d10+30
Wounds (2xTB)+WPB
Fate 0
Resilience 2
Extra Points 3
Movement 3

Halfling Clan Skills and Talents

When generating a Halfling character, you may choose to modify the Halfling Species Skills and Talents from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, with clan-specific variations. To do this, use the following Skill and Talent list as normal, with additions appended according to your Clan as marked in the table.

Halfling Species Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Lore (Reikland), Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth (Any), Trade (Cook), 4 Clan Skills (See Below)

Halfling Species Talents: Acute Sense (Taste), Night Vision, Resistance (Chaos), Small, 1 Clan Talent (See Below), 1 Random Talents


Additional Skills

Additional Talent

Ashfield Cool, Intuition, Language (Mootish), Ranged (any) Acute Sense (Sight) or Etiquette (Soldiers)
Brambledown Language (Mootish), Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Swim Gregarious or Seasoned Traveller
Brandysnap Animal Care, Gamble, Language (Mootish), Lore (Herbs) Craftsman (Farmer) or Sturdy
Hayfoot Gamble, Haggle, Evaluate, Language (Mootish) Dealmaker or Etiquette (Guilders)
Hollyfoot Evaluate, Haggle, Language (Mootish), Trade (Any) Craftsman (Any) or Nimble-Fingered
Hayfoot-Hollyfoot Bribery, Haggle, Gossip, Language (Mootish) Argumentative or Numismatics
Lostpockets Endurance, Gamble, Gossip, Intuition Hardy or Stone Soup
Lowhaven Bribery, Haggle, Intimidate, Language (Mootish) Criminal or Etiquette (Criminals or Guilders)
Rumster Endurance, Gossip, Haggle, Language (Mootish) Craftsman (Cook) or Dealmaker
Skelfsider Endurance, Gamble, Gossip, Language (Mootish) Beneath Notice or Etiquette (Servants)
Thorncobble Gossip, Leadership, Lore (Heraldry), Language (Mootish) Etiquette (Nobles or Scholars) or Read/Write
Tumbleberry Gossip, Haggle, Lore (Any), Language (Mootish) Etiquette (Burghers or Guilders) or Read/Write
Career/Class Old World
Generic article | Feb 6, 2024

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