Empress Magritta I Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Empress Magritta I

Magritta of Marienburg

Baroness Elspeth Magritta VI

Elspeth Magritta VI was the Baroness of Westerland in ca. 2276 IC who had an outstanding claim to the throne of the fractured Empire of Man in the final years of the Age of Three Emperors. She had several rivals among the other Elector Counts, such as Sigismund Ulric of Osterlund, Ludwig XII of Talabecland, and Wilhelm I of Reikland.

During this period, the Barony of Westerland was one of the four great provinces of the Empire whose rulers sought to contest for the Imperial throne. It was then, as it is now, a wealthy and cosmopolitan state, with almost the entirety of its population centred in the great commercial city-state of Marienburg. The wealth of that city allowed Westerland's ruler to field vast armies to defend their claim to the throne of the Empire.
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