Sisters of Sigmar Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Sisters of Sigmar

Order of Merciful Sisters of Sigmar/Sisters of Mercy

For centuries the nobility of the Empire has sent its wayward or troublesome daughters to the Order of Merciful Sisters of Sigmar to be initiated into the only order of priestesses dedicated to the Empire's patron god, Sigmar.

Though once much loved by the common people of the Empire, the Sisters have seen their popularity wane in recent years. Rabble-rousing witch hunters have denounced them as witches and they have been driven away by the very peasants they seek to help. Many of Sigmar's priests in the Cult of Sigmar wish to disband the order altogether, claiming that women have no right to teach the holy word of Sigmar. Even the Grand Theogonist of the Sigmarite church, ostensibly the chief authority over the order, has cooled towards the Sisterhood, denying the throne to Magritta of Marienburg who was brought up by the Sisters and said to be sympathetic to their cause.
Religious, Holy Order
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Notable Members
Generic article | Apr 23, 2024

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