Estalian Ethnicity in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Skills: Melee (Fencing), Melee (Parrying), Endurance, Cool, Language (Classical), Haggle, Gossip, Language (Reikspeil), Language (Tilean), Lore (Estalia), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Crossbow)

Talents: Savy or Suave, 3 Random Talents


Skills: Athletics, Bribery, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Entertain (Storytelling), Gossip, Language (Bretonnian), Language (Tilean), Language (Arabic), Lore (Region), Perform (Jota), Sleight of Hand

Talents: Nose for Trouble, Savvy or Suave, Region Trait (Any)

Region Traits:

Aradón: Coolheaded, Two Random Talents
Catilinia: Cat-Tongued, Two Random Talents
Vanlen: Gregarious, Two Random Talents
Navarr: Mimic, Two Random Talents
Castill: Stout-Hearted, Two Random Talents
Laon: Hardy, Two Random Talents
Gaellica: Field-Dressing, Two Random Talents
Vasconia: Lightning Reflexes, Menacing, One Random Talents
Andal: Craftsman (Trade), Read/Write, One Random Talents
Murc: Beneath Notice, Two Random Talents
Portul: Sharp, Read/Write, One Random Talents
Sartosa: Criminal, Two Random Talents

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