Fieldwarden Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Halfling Only

WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T3 T1 T4 T1 T2 T1

Career Path

T1 Novice Warden — Brass 4

Skills: Gossip, Intuition, Lore (Moot), Navigation, Perception, Ranged (Sling), Trade (Any), Stealth (Rural)
Talents: Careful Strike, Distract, Fast Shot, Stout-hearted
Trappings: Backpack, Tent, Map of local area, Sling with 10 stones, Trade Tools (as Trade)

T2 Field Warden — Silver 1

Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Dodge, Melee (Basic), Outdoor Survival, Secret Signs (Scout)
Talents: Accurate Shot, Drilled, Nose for Trouble, Orientation
Trappings: Leather Jack, Hand Weapon, Lantern with Oil

T3 Field Warden Sergeant — Silver 3

Skills: Cool, Endurance, Lore (Necromancy), Set Trap
Talents: Fleet-footed, Hardy, Night Vision, Rover
Trappings: Quality Mail Shirt, Squad of Novice Wardens

T4 Field Warden Captain — Silver 5

Skills: Leadership, Lore (Warfare)
Talents: Fearless, Hatred (Undead), Inspiring, Robust, Savant (Moot terrain)
Trappings: Garrison of Experienced Field Wardens, Respect of the Community

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