Karl-Heinz von Liebwitz Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Karl-Heinz von Liebwitz

Baron Karl-Heinz von Liebwitz

A handsome, athletic youth and heir to the Duchy of Ambosstein. Although Karl-Heinz belongs to the wealthy von Liebwitz family of Nuln, he stands the inherit relatively little land.

He grew up enthralled by his uncle Viscount Leos von Liebwitz and wanted to be a famous dualist just like him. Later he was schooled in the art of fencing by Leos and Valancourt of Nuln. Karl-Heinz has vowed to one day track down Filthy Harald Kleindeinst and enact vengeance an behalf of his uncle.

Karl-Heinz is engaged to marry Nastassia von Saponatheim of Bögenhafen.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Has a set of Fine Full Plate Armour crafted by Urist Bugmanson.


Contacts & Relations

Trained by legendary fencing instructor Valancourt of Nuln.

Baron Karl-Heinz Character Sheet

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 41 27 31 30 35 43 46 29 30 45 15

Baron Karl-Heinz

Race: Human
Class: Courtier
Career: Noble
Status: Gold 3
Star Sign: The Dancer
Fate: 3
Fortune: 4
Resilience: 3
Resolve: 3
Motivation: Vengeance

Skills: Bribery 50, Charm 70, Consume Alcohol 40, Gamble 40, Gossip 55, Intimidate 41, Leadership 60, Melee (Fencing) 61, Melee (Parry) 51

Talents: Attractive 3, Carouser, Doomed (A greased goat is safer than keeping secrets.), Etiquette (Nobles), Impassioned Zeal, Luck, Noble Blood, Pure Soul, Read/Write, Sharp, Stone Soup, Suave, Super Numerate, Wealthy 2

Traits: Prejudice (Liars)

Fine Full Plate Armour crafted by Urist Bugmanson, Dagger, Fine Clothing, Pouch containing Tweezers, Ear Pick, and a Comb, Courtly Garb, Rapier, Jewellery worth 83gc, Personal Servant, 4 Household Servants, Quality Courtly Garb, Courtly Garb, Riding Horse with Saddle and Harness, Main Gauche, Quality Cloak

Rough Nights & Hard Days (4e WFRP)

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