Ambosstein Settlement in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Main sources of wealth: Market village, trade, agriculture
Headman: Samuel Müller
Notable NPCs: Jürgen Waldmann (woodcrafter), Sergeant Gunnar Wundt (roadwarden sergeant)
Inn or Tavern: The Market Cross

Ambosstein is situated on a crossroad 15 miles from Armedorf, 8 miles from Biberdorf, and 14 miles from Winkelhausen. The village is noted for the woodwind instruments (pan pipes, flutes, etc.) crafted by Jürgen Waldmann, much in demand in Nuln and Altdorf. Some say that it’s as much the wood from the nearby Lenka’s Woods (and blessed by the goddess) as it is Jürgen's skill with the awl, bore, and knife. Every so often, Jürgen crafts a masterpiece which produces sounds so melodic and soothing that these are said to be enchanted.

The Inn of the Market Cross stands at the crossroad, near the market cross as well as the gibbet used to hang bandits. The inn – as well as the village mill house – is owned by Samuel Müller and his family. The brown bread served at the inn is particular good as well as the pilsner the Müllers brew in the small shed at the back of the inn.

The Inn of the Market Cross is also the base for Sergeant Gunnar Wundt and his patrol of five men. The six roadwardens are under the nominal command of Captain Otto Waldersee, who is based at the Inn of the Croaking Frog and has yet to pay a visit to this unit under his command. Sergeant Wundt is responsible for clearing the roads north of Königdorf and west of the Reik of bandits, highwaymen, and outlaws. The patrol of six wears a black and gold armband with Nuln’s coat of arms, marking them as an arm of the Stadtstaat’s Interior Ministry.


15 Trained State Troops + 10 Handgunners (including Siegbert Meier)

Industry & Trade

Trade, Agriculture


Local Agricultural Market
Rough Nights & Hard Days (4e WFRP)
Wissenland: Under Nuln's Shadow by Alfred Nuñez Jr.

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