Knight Profession in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel
T2 T1 T1 T1 T3 T4

Career Path

T1 Squire — Silver 3

Skills: Athletics, Animal Care, Charm Animal, Heal, Lore (Heraldry), Melee (Cavalry), Ride (Horse), Trade (Farrier)
Talents: Etiquette (any), Roughrider, Sturdy, Warrior Born
Trappings: Leather Jack, Mail Shirt, Riding Horse with Saddle and Tack, Shield, Trade Tools (Farrier)

T2 Knight — Silver 5

Skills: Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Intimidate, Language (Battle), Melee (Any)
Talents: Menacing, Seasoned Traveller, Shieldsman, Strike Mighty Blow
Trappings: Destrier with Saddle and Tack, Melee Weapon (Any), Lance, Plate Armour and Helm

T3 First Knight — Gold 2

Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Leadership, Lore (Warfare)
Talents: Fearless (Any), Stout-hearted, Unshakeable, Warleader
Trappings: Barding, Small Unit of Knights

T4 Knight of the Inner Circle — Gold 4

Skills: Lore (Any), Secret Signs (Knightly Order)
Talents: Disarm, Inspiring, Iron Will, Strike to Injure
Trappings: Plumed Great Helm, Squire, Large Unit of Knights or Several Small Units of Knights

Generic article | May 28, 2024

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