Cult of the Lady of the Lake Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Cult of the Lady of the Lake

The Lady is the embodiment and Goddess of Bretonnia, and worshipped by all that land’s nobles and knights. She exhorts all nobles to follow her strictures, and provides mysterious quests and visions to strengthen the realm. The nobles of Bretonnia are the best men and women in the world because of their adherence and cultivation of the Lady’s virtues. The Lady and her worship ensure that Bretonnia is unified, prosperous, free of evil, and well-led. She bestows many gifts on those who follow her: strength, wisdom, grace, and superiority over the common, ugly, and mundane.

Tenets of Faith

For women

  • Preserve your modesty
  • Serve and obey your father until you marry, then obey your lawful husband
  • Succor the weak and helpless who are innocent of their plight
  • Show favor to all brave and noble knights, above those merely wealthy or powerful

For men

  • For valour, you cannot retreat, even in the face of a more powerful foe and even if it may lead to your certain death
  • For honour, you must fight hand-to-hand, never using weapons or magic to strike from afar
  • Your skill at arms must surpass any peasant or woman you meet
  • Loyalty to the King above all, and then your liege
  • Courtesy in all your acts, never insult a noble knight and always protect and defer to ladies
Religious, Cult
Parent Organization
Related Professions

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