Order of Eternal Night and Solace Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Order of Eternal Night and Solace

The order and convent was founded in the time of Sigmar by Belda the Melancholy (2502).

The Order of Eternal Night and Solace was created to provide a place of seclusion and solace for vampires tired of the world.

Although various supplies are imported by the outside world, books, music and news are not as residents are supposed to be contented with the changelessness of life at the convent.

In order to enter the Order and the convent one must pertition for admittance through their agents in the world.

Both Lady Melissa d'Acques and her granddaughter Genevieve Dieudonné have spent centuries or decades at the convent before returning to the world at large.


Belda the Melancholy, founder of the Order, sire of Honorio.
Honorio: Elder of the Order and vampire Dwarf.
Wietzak: Former ruler of Karak Varn and favoured attendant to Honorio
Founding Date
Religious, Coven
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
'Drachenfels' by Kim Newman

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