Melissa d'Acques Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Melissa d'Acques

Lady Melissa d'Acques (a.k.a. Missy)

Lady Melissa d'Acques is a elder female vampire of the Lahmian Sisterhood. A pretty blonde haired girl about twelve years old. Her voice can be musical and she often appears in light makeup and clothing appropriate to her station, looking almost like a doll. However her eyes are different, although few notice, they are full of experience in a mask of innocence.

She claims to be distantly related to the royal families of both Bretonnia and the Empire.

She was transformed into a vampire when her coach was stopped by a brigand who wanted more than money - a barbaric, wild haired monster of the bloodline of Belda the Melancholy who killed her parents and turned her.

After about a thousand years in the world she retired to the convent of the Order of Eternal Night and Solace.

When the vampire Wietzak sent assassins to kill Tio Bland, she travelled to Altdorf to prevent it, determined to avert a new war between humanity and the undead. She posed as a child in the theatre of Detlef Sierck until her granddaughter in darkness Genevieve arrived to assist her in foiling the plot in her own unique way.


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'Drachenfels' by Kim Newman
'No Gold in the Grey Mountains' by Kim Newman

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