Genevieve Dieudonné Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Genevieve Dieudonné


Genevieve Sandrine du Pointe du Lac Dieudonné

She features in Detlef Sierck's plays The Tragedy of Oswald and To My Unchanging Lady. The former, dedicated to her.
'I met Magnus the Pious once, and he tried to put his hand up my dress.'
- 'Red Thirst' by Kim Newman
A rogue Lahmian, Genevieve is the daughter-in-darkness of Chandagnac who was in turn made a Vampire by Lady Melissa d'Acques without the permission of Neferata. In life, Genevieve was a Bretonnian child of court before she was turned at the age of sixteen. For over six centuries, she has travelled the world as an outlaw, a slave, a student, a bodyguard, an adventurer, and many other things. Most notable was her brief role as unlikely hero when she was instrumental in saving Karl-Franz from an assassination attempt. She was grudgingly allowed to take up public residence in Altdorf with her mortal lover, the famed playwright Detlef Sierck. Unsurprisingly, this did not impress many of the locals, including the priests of Morr, but attempts to have her un-life ended, ranging from political machinations to a mob’s public lynching, failed. The sisterhood secretly protect her; despite her status as a third-generation rogue with no place amongst the true Lahmians, she is valued for her ability to influence the minds of mortals into softening towards Vampires, so they will be all the more pliant and willing slaves when Neferata makes them hers. (WFRP 2nd Ed. p56)


Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
1855 - Genevieve turned into a vampire by Chandagnac
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Alabaster White
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
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