Ulrika Magdova Straghov Character in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Ulrika Magdova Straghov

A Kislevite noblewoman and the daughter of march-boyar Ivan Petrovich Straghov, Gotrek and Felix first encountered Ulrika in Middenheim on the first leg of the dwarfen airship Spirit of Grungni's voyage into the Chaos Wastes. A passenger on the airship returning home to Kislev, Ulrika was a source of fascination to Felix, who soon became enamoured of her. This put him at odds with Max Schreiber, who also harboured feelings for her. While staying at the Straghov manse in Kislev Feilx and Ulrika began a love affair, sleeping together on Felix's last night before departure. Ulrika remained behind in Kislev while Felix journeyed into the Wastes, and during this time Max unsuccessfully attempted to gain her affection. When the manse was attacked by skaven led by Grey Seer Thanquol Ulrika fought valiantly to defend her home but was overpowered and captured along with the rest of her people. Managing to escape she freed her father and Max, who were able to organize a counter-attack and defeat the skaven. She was reunited with Felix after the battle, her feelings for him were complicated by the fact that he was now a part of her life for the foreseeable future.

Strong-willed and independent like all her people Ulrika was unused to relationships that existed other than for physical pleasure and her time with Felix was characterized by passionate lovemaking, bitter arguments and emotional confusion. She accompanied him south in the Spirit of Grungni to the Slayer keep of Karak Kadrin from whence she was to depart to bring warning to the Tzarina of Kislev of the huge Chaos army marching south but decided to stay with him on the quest to slay the Chaos-dragon Skjalandir. Her companions Oleg and Standa were both killed in the battle against orcs and bandits that followed the dragon's death but she herself survived along with most of the group. After the battle she was able to carry out her duty and warn the Tzarina of the imminent Chaos threat before accompanying the others to Praag, where she fell ill with a Chaos plague and was only cured thanks to Max's exhausting effort to purge her body with magic.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
2486 IC 37 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Became a Vampire in 2506 IC by Adolphus Krieger
Aligned Organization
'Daemonslayer' by William King
'Dragonslayer' by William King
'Beastslayer' by William King
'Vampireslayer' by William King
'Bloodborn' by Nathan Long
'Bloodforged' by Nathan Long
'Bloodsworn' by Nathan Long

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