Waaagh! Magic Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Waaagh! Magic

Spells of the Little Waaagh!

Cunnin' Words
Curse of Da Bad Moon
Gift of the Spider-God
Gork'll Fix It
The Great Green Spite
Itchy Nuisance
Mork Wants Ya!
Night Shroud
Sneaky Stabbin'
Vindictive Glare

Spells of the Big Waaagh!

'Ard as Nails
Bash 'Em Lads
'Ere We Go!
The Evil Sun
Fists of Gort
Foot of Gork
Gaze of Mork
The Hand of Gork
Mork Save Us!

Education, Magic
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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