Witch Hunters Organization in Warhammer Fantacy | World Anvil
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Witch Hunters

Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar


In Liebstein's Handbook, the hierarchy of the Order is detailed, or at least so much as a Witch Hunter would be permitted to know of his own secretive Order:

  1. Lord Protector and/or Grand Master(s)
  2. Supreme Council - 12 Knights of the Inner Circle
  3. Chamberlain
  4. Witch Hunter Captains
  5. Witch Hunters
  6. Priests
  7. Chief Librarian and literary staff
  8. Sister-aids, laborers and artisans
  9. Cellarers and animal trainers
  10. Retinue - made up of an individual's followers including flagellants, zealots and the like.
Founding Date
1682 IC
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Witch Hunters Handbook
Document | Apr 11, 2023
Witch Hunters Handbook by Darius Hinks

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