Fenrus Stormcastle

Lamplighter who is a member of the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters. Works as an information point for Jarlaxle Baenre and his band of drow. Was formerly a member of the Blood Hawk Posse before he came to Waterdeep.  
Notes found regarding Fenrus:
Found in the Zhentarim Hideout where the party found Ott Steeltoes . Signed by “Manshoon”, it exhorted Zorbog to “gather the usual gang” and kidnap “Fenerus Stormcastle, who lives on Quill Alley”, a “known associate of these new meddlers in the Grand Game”. Zorbog was to squeeze Fenerus until he reveals everything he knows about these new participants. Session 45: Are We Having Fun Yet? Report    Found in the Seven Masks Theater: Letter Regarding Fenerus Stormcastle’s House. Directed simply to “J”, it warns him that, “There have been strange eyes fixed upon the house of Fenerus Stormcastle and flights of black snakes have been seen flocking the skies of the Trades Ward. Greater care should be taken when messengers approach the house, and we may want to find an alternative asset. I leave it to your judgment whether or not Fenerus himself should be warned. -K” (Session 55 - report tk)


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