Session 45: Are We Having Fun Yet? Report

General Summary

Runt Thundermount emerges from the interrogation house and explains the situation inside. Most of you forget that you wanted to go in and rescue Ott Steeltoes to interrogate him further and there's discussion as to why you're going back inside.   You overhear Avaareen exclaim that Ott isn't dead like Runt said. Runt bursts back in saying he'll finish the job. Avaareen attempts to kill Ott but he dodges away. She asks how Ott got out of his restraints. Runt lies, but she's suspicious. She begins to question him further. Runt feigns memory loss from his injuries, but she doesn't buy it. She attacks. Runt takes poison damage from her rapier. Runt attempts to keep up the ruse saying his Zhent parter "Ed" has died, confusing Zorbog, who attacks anyway. They demand to know who sent him and begin to think he's one of the Xanathar's Guild, sent to rescue Ott.   Runt takes some significant damage and says loudly, "it's getting rough!" which Caelynn Amastacia overhears. The rest of the party bursts in. Cameron Overholt casts Heat Metal on Zorbog's breastplate. Runt strikes Avaareen who sidesteps, causing him to hit Zorbog, who's tugging at his quickly heating armor. Runt comments that this is fun. Avaareen is having so much fun she strikes Runt who goes unconscious. She comments that he doesn't seem to be having fun anymore.   Cameron and Caelynn begin to battle Zorbog in the outer room as Andryn Stormpeak battles Avaareen next to an unconscious Runt and cowering Ott. On his turn, Runt rolls a Nat20 on his death save and is up with one hit point. Andryn quickly heals him for more.   Zorbog begins to look rough and Avaareen makes a break for it using Disengage and Dash. Zorbog soon succumbs to his boiling breastplate and goes down. Avaareen is about to disappear into a crowded street when Caelynn hits her with Magic Missile. She goes down.   The party drags her back into the interrogation house. You begin to question Ott. He is tells you that they kept asking him about an eye and its whereabouts, but he doesn't know anything about an eye. He mentions needing to get back to the Xanathar before he disintegrates someone. You all begin to realize you may be dealing with a beholder (also Ott's hat is a bit of a giveaway what with the eyestalks). After a few questions he begins to realize you all weren't sent by the Xanathar. He begins to edge for the door but Runt picks him up. As you all discuss what to do with him, Runt puts him in the bag of holding with the dead Zhent body from Gralhund Villa. You let him out before he suffocates. He says he'll tell the Xanathar how helpful Runt, Andryn, and Cameron were. He didn't catch Caelynn's name. She declines to provide it now.   Runt hugs him until he promises to forget your names and promises you he'll tell the Xanathar that he heroically escaped on his own. Before you can change your mind he bolts for the door. Caelynn casts Invisibility on Cameron and Runt who run after Ott. They chase him through the streets of Waterdeep. Runt gets waylaid by a spooked horse. Cameron tries to help Runt by creating a trail of pitons. Runt finds one and then gets distracted. Cameron manages to keep up with Ott who stops in an alley in the Castle Ward. He disppears down a sewer grate. Cameron investigates and discovers there's an illusion on the sewer grate and it's actually a narrow spiral staircase descending below. Cameron heads back to inform the party. He passes Runt, pretending to be a ghost to passersby. One alerts the City Watch and Runt runs off saying you can't arrest ghosts. Cameron continues on to the interrogation house.   Meanwhile, Andryn and Caelynn search the bodies of the Zhent torturers. On Avaareen's body you find a small silver disc around her neck. There's a small, central blue gem on one side and the letters "DK" in runic on the other side. On Zorbog's charred body you find a burnt piece of paper. You can make out "gather the usual gang", "kidnap Fenerus Stormcastle, who lives on Quill Alley", "known associate of these new meddlers in the Grand Game". (Otherwise known to the party as Neverember's Enigma) It is signed by Manshoon.   Cameron arrives, still invisible, and pretends to be the ghost of one of the dead Zhent interrogators. Andryn is unamused. They begin discussing and realize the Xanathar might be a beholder. Both Cameron and Andryn know something of beholders: they are paranoid, insane, and very, very dangerous. Runt eventually returns. He leaves the Zhentarim body from the Gralhund Villa next to the arcane circle in the interrogation house. You all head back to Trollskull Manor and Tavern as you discuss what to do next.   At the tavern Zephan Wit is working the bar. He pours you all drinks as you continue to discuss what to do. He hears you mention a beholder and asks if you're going to the fight that night. When he realizes you don't know what he's talking about he's reluctant but finally spills that the Xanathar runs a fight tournament underground that he went to once on a (bad) date. He tells you that "eyes are everywhere" in the Xanathar's Lair.   Zephan also says some messages were left for the party. The first message is from Ammalia Cassalanter and Victoro Cassalanter asking for an update on your search for the gold (A Plea for Help). They ask you to come by and that they might have some information for you. There's also a note from Barnibus Blastwind, who came by to question you all. He asks you to come by the central City Watch office to discuss the events that happened the night before. Finally, there's a small, fine-looking wood chest. Inside are 4 diamonds and a note from the Gralhunds: "For services rendered. Please come see us at your earliest convenience." Andryn is displeased.   There's discussion of a Long Rest before going to the Xanathar's Lair, but the DM reminds you that you can't take more than one Long Rest per 24 hours. Instead, you take a Short Rest and decide to head to the Cassalanter's. On your way out, Runt attempt the family whistle. Only Martrem thinks it's cool.

Rewards Granted

  • Small, central blue gem on one side and the letters "DK" in runic on the other side found on Avaareen's body
  • 4 diamonds (Revivify-worthy)
  • charred note from Manshoon instructing Zorbog to "gather the usual gang", "kidnap Fenerus Stormcastle, who lives on Quill Alley", who is a "known associate of these new meddlers in the Grand Game".

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Everyone wants to talk to you.
  • Fight Club!
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Runt Thundermount
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Caelynn Amastacia
Report Date
05 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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