Session 36: Unicorn Hunting in Blue Alley Report

General Summary

The party continued their exploration of Blue Alley. They found an old alchemical lab and fought an alchemical ooze, which Cameron took a portion and stored it in a vial. They found a room with golden tiles and managed to get to the door at the other end of the room without issue. Over the door was written "everything you see is mine." On the other side of the door there was a room made completely of mirrors. At the center was a unicorn statue on a dais. After a few tries to get the statue out of the room, they eventually attempted to put the statue in the bag of holding and exit with the bag of holding, which seemed successful. After a chest bump gone wrong, Cameron triggered the room's trap and fled through Blue Alley under the Fear spell.
Still looking for Icantha, the former servant of Lord Victoro Cassalanter and Lady Ammalia Cassalanter who may know more about the curse on their children, the party happened upon a room of hanging circular platforms 60 feet in the air. A glowing sword hung from the furthest platform. Casting Fly on himself, Cameron entered the room and was quickly attacked by many smoke mephits. Runt attempted to jump to a platform, but ended up falling to the ground 20 feet below. The party eventually managed to best the smoke mephits, but at great cost to Cameron.

Rewards Granted

  • Moon-touched longsword
  • Portion of an alchemical ooze

Missions/Quests Completed

Unicorn statue: found.
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Andryn Stormpeak
Player Journals
(#36) 2020-04-19 - The Unicorn Statue by Andryn Stormpeak
Report Date
03 May 2020


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