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Fri 22nd May 2020 04:51

(#36) 2020-04-19 - The Unicorn Statue

by Andryn Stormpeak

2020-04-19 The Unicorn Statue
We're in a once-lavish room, with dead boggles at our feet and a statue in the other room saying, “Entertain me!” It still wants a riddle.
"We'll look for the riddle and get back to you."
Runt dances out with a twirl.
We explore a room with the message, "take only what you can truly afford." It's filled with gold coins, silver, platinum. Thousands of them. Enough for to help the Cassalanters?
Cameron reads the message "All Fake" spelled out in coins.
We move on without taking any, to an inner room with a featureless iron gate. A magic mouth appears in the ceiling, "Beyond these gates lies paradise, enter them as you entered life, and you may yet find it; grasp the jewel and grasp the iron, then be whisked away to the truest of rewards."
"This may be a death trap," Cameron says.
"It doesn't mention a unicorn," Andryn adds.
We leave it alone.
Next room has a winding path of yellow tiles. Cameron's turret is OK, even after it leaves the path.
Cameron starts to go in.
"I should go in first!" Runt says. "I'm like a brick house."
"No, you're not. You're wearing tissue paper."
We go in, following the yellow tiles. An inner room has a 3' tall statue of a rearing unicorn. We can't get it out of the room until we slip it into the bag of holding.
A chest bump between Cameron and Runt sends Cameron flying to the blue tiles, where he is filled with fear and runs away until the spell wears off.
Another room is hot and contains a circular pit with creatures at the bottom, speaking ignan, which we can't understand. Cameron throws some tinder at them, which turns to ash in their hands. We see gold in their pit. They don't know where the tiefling is when Cameron minor-illusions one (we're looking for an elf). When Cameron firebolts their pit they set themselves ablaze and dance. He wants to take them home.
"They are literally made fire!" Andryn says. "Fire!" They are kind of cute, though. Caelynn and Andryn waves as they leave.
Beyond another door is Cameron’s dream room: rows of work benches, experiments, scorch marks, fire and acid smells, beakers and buckets, acrane goo.
Ooze attacks us.
"We've got to subdue it so we can take it home!"
Caelynn magic missles it. Runt maul attacks while saying "subdue." Firebolt. Dagger. As it starts to dissolve into the stone, Cameron tries to get it into the beaker.
Cameron has a vile of friend.
Next room: circular metal platforms hanging from iron chains at ground level, smoke-obstructed floor 20 feet below. There's a window in the corner.
Cameron casts levitate on himself. It's like a bag of balloons.
Andryn stays put. "This room might not even be interesting!"
Cameron investigates the smoky pots (empty), and finds a sword that has a halo of moonlight about it.
A smoke mephit attacks. Then another.
Runt goes to help and immediately falls 20 feet.
"Should I come out there, or just stay here!" Andryn asks.
"Absolutely not. Just stay there."
Scorching rays. Thunderwave. Healing word. They claw at Cameron and blind him. Longbow. Shatter. Firebolt.
We loose all sight of Cameron as the thing explodes. Runt walks over to the sword. It’s glowing above him. Cameron takes it off the chain. The little window shows a corridor, but no way to get through.
"Do you see a tiefling?" Andryn calls (again, we are looking for an elf).
The a moon-touch sword, purely astehetic, nothing special about it. It’s AWESOME.
We consider a long rest, but Cameron remembers his saved spells and so we decided to go back.

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  1. (#36) 2020-04-19 - The Unicorn Statue
  2. (#35) 2020-04-05 Blue Alley
  3. (2019-12-01 Waterdeep Liar's Night