Session 43: Violence in the Villa Report

General Summary

Outside Gralhund Villa the party debates on how to proceed after hearing screams of the dying inside the villa and the sound of steel on steel. After being unable to open the gate, the party scales the surrounding wall and make their way across the dark grounds.

You make your way into the house and find empty guard barracks. Another door leads you into the main house through the servants' entrance. Inside, you find the dead bodies of several servants. You hear movement further into the house and, upon opening a door, come face-to-face with two Zhentarim agents and a flying snake in the main dining room, which is full of a dozen or so more dead bodies. After dispatching the Zhentarim, you make your way upstairs where Gralhund guards are fighting off Zhentarim, who are trying to get into the main bedroom where Yalah Gralhund is hiding.

In another room of the house the leader of this raid, Urstul Floxin yells for Orond Gralhund to hand something over and he'll let Orond's wife and children live.

The party begins to help the guards fight Zhentarim, when suddenly the large window overlooking the stairwell explodes and one of the Zhentarim is killed by, what Cameron Overholt knows is a gunshot that came from somewhere outside the house. As everyone is trying to make sense of where this gunshot came from, there's a loud crash from the room the guards are protecting. You hear people inside that room suddenly fighting the new assailants. You hear one of the new assailants tell Lady Gralhund that if she hands over the stone this will be over quickly.

As the last of the Zhentarim die from a combination of a strike from Runt Thundermount's new sword you all found in Blue Alley and another sniper shot somewhere outside, the confused Gralhund guards tell you they must protect Lady Gralhund and the children. They rush into the room behind them. Runt follows and is greeted by a magical darkness. He hears fighting, but can't make sense of what's going on.

In the other part of the house, Cameron watches as the Zhentarim leader of the raid, Urstul, kills Lord Gralhund. He riffles through Gralhund's pockets, and, realizing events have turned against him attempts to jump out a window. Cameron casts Levitate and Urstul is helpless floating in the air outside a window. Meanwhile, Andryn Stormpeak casts Revivify on Lord Gralhund at Cameron's urging. Lord Gralhund is returned to the land of the living. You inform him you're neighbors and he owes you a diamond. He says he'll keep an eye on Urstul while they assist the others.

In the room of darkness, Caelynn Amastacia tries to make sense of what's going on, while Runt gropes some people and accidentally steps on dead bodies. There's a lot going on. Andryn arrives and, through casting Detect Magic, realizes the new intruders have cast Darkness. Fumbling and fighting their way through, the casters eventually die and the darkness falls. The party sees several Gralhund guards, a large half-orc someone calls Hrabbaz, several dead drow, and two that have kicked in a door to a room beyond. One of the drow has a pistol at his side. Both are grabbling with Lady Gralhund over something. Mostly importantly, though, you see a dead/destroyed nimblewright in front of the smashed door that matches the description you got of the nimblewright that caused the fireball. Through the chaos Andryn demands to know if that nimblewright belongs to the Gralhunds.

One of the drow manage to wrestle whatever they're fighting over out of Lady Gralhund's hands. The other, realizing they're now very much outmatched, casts Darkness again. Runt enters the fray and fights the remaining drow, who says "don't make me kill you. He'd be rather put out if I did." Runt manages to wrestle away a long oval-shaped stone out of the drow's hands. He tells Runt that he's sure they'll be seeing him again before disengaging and slipping out of the huge balcony window the group of drow seemingly crashed into moments before.

Darkness fades as you all see the Gralhund guards, the half-orc, and some scared children peeking from the nursery beyond. Lady Gralhund angrily demands to know where the stone is.

Rewards Granted

  • You put a Zhentarim body into the bag of holding (please confirm?)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Nimblewright culprit found! You probably saved the lives of the people that killed Holg and others. (Oops?)
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Report Date
09 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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