North Ward

Home to the many wealthier middle class, lesser nobles, and well-to-do merchants, North Ward is a quiet haven from the hustle and bustle of Waterdeep's commercial endeavors. Dominated by residences, this ward tends toward insular, walled villas and distinctly individual stone and timber houses. While, on the surface, it seems tedious compared to the rest of the city, North Ward seethes with intrigues of far-reaching effects hidden just beneath the surface. There is little for visitors to do within this ward beyond gawk at the marvelous houses and towers, unless they are already linked into the nobles' or guilds' politics.

The city watch keeps this ward under tight control, suffering noise and disruption only from the local nobles and dandies while rousting noisy trespassers. Though lightly armed, the watch maintains a constant presence in North Ward, making it as safe as one can be in a city of this size. If ever a place "closes down upon the cobbles at dusk," North Ward fits the bill.

North Ward's western boundaries consist of the High Road with a western arm extending to Shield Street along Vondhil Street and Trader's Way. Andamaar's Street marks the southern border, while the walls of the City of the Dead and the Trollwall close out the rest of the ward.
  The liveliest, and perhaps the loveliest, part of the ward is the Cliffwatch. Here, the plateau upon which Waterdeep sits features cliffs so steep and high that the city wall is interrupted to either side of them. Some of the most lavish residences and most luxurious taverns and inns of Waterdeep stand along this space, boasting terraces and balconies that allow one to take in the beautiful sight of the countryside to the east. Yet you need not pay their high prices, for a public walkway along the cliff’s edge offers pedestrians ample opportunity to enjoy the view.


The first thing to notice here is the lack of row buildings that dominate much of Waterdeep, Herein the lowest types of buildings are two-story cottages with expensive wood and slate decorations. The more common domiciles share such details as wrought iron fences, rooftop spires, gabled roofs, and ornate carving work on statuary and wallwork alike. The walled noble villas and grand merchant houses contain gardens with elaborate adornments. In many ways, this ward seems more prosperous than Sea Ward, but the neighbors to the west are quick to remind folk that "we need not show our wealth and station in such gaudy, tactless ways, for we are above such petty oneupsmanship."

Nearly all of the streets and alleys in North Ward are cobblestone-paved, testifying to the comparable youth of this area. The Dungsweepers' Guild members all prefer to work here, as the haughty, affluent inhabitants often pay well for additional streetsweeping (and "accidental" mishaps upon the stoops of rivals).
The North Ward’s colors are green and orange, and its mascot is the gentle white dove, depicted in flight. Many North Ward homes have dovecotes on their roofs, and the great flocks of the birds that circle over the city at dawn and dusk are a delight to behold.


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