Session 52: At Dawn, We Plan

General Summary

The party debates on what to do with Agorn Fuoco, the Zhentarim lieutenant they captured while investigating the attack on Cassalanter Villa. They agree to let him go if he gives them more information on how to infiltrate Kolat Towers. He tells them that once their in everyone will assume they have business there since you can't get in without a pass-amulet. The party quizzes him about passwords, attire, etc. He tells them "when you're there, you're family." It's business casual. He also tells them about invisible stairs within Kolat Towers and that there is a  teleportation circle in the basement of Yellowspire (the building they're in).   They realize Kelia Wintersbane, the broadsheet reporter that was almost sacrificed to Bane by Agorn's fellow Zhentarim agent is taking notes on their entire conversation. Cameron Overholt firebolt's her papers but she says she has a steel-trap memory. Kelia and Cameron snipe (flirt?) for a few minutes before they let Agorn go.    The party loots the tower. They find a few small trinkets. Andryn Stormpeak finds a jar of dirt. As she picks it up it pulses a bit. She shakes it and realizes there's a still-beating heart inside. There's a vague necrotic magic about it but that's it. Andryn ends up exchanging it with Cameron for a crystal pendant. Kelia comments now Cameron officially has a heart. Andryn wants to be anywhere that Kelia is not.   Kelia takes her leave and the party heads to the basement to investigate. They find a strange potion in a cupboard. There are signs that people have posted guards in this basement. They find the teleportation circle. Cameron copies the runes.   The party discuss Lady Ammalia Cassalanter and Lord Victoro Cassalanter. They commiserate that they've always found them suspicious. They discuss how to proceed. Sneak in? Steal the eye? Cast Locate Object in the villa? They decide to ask them directly and head to Cassalanter Villa. They skirt the truth and say they have a lead on an eye but it'd be easier if they had access to an eye so Andryn could cast Locate Object. The Cassalanters get cagey and ask the party who told them to to ask to see an eye. They eventually confide in the party that they think they have an information breach in their home. They kept some information from the party to protect their children and make sure there were no more leaks. They admit they have an eye. They tell the party that besides the people in the room the only other person who knew of the eye was Willifort their aged tiefling butler. The party tells them he may have been compromised. The Cassalanters say they can have the eye tomorrow morning. They need to retrieve it from their bank vault.   They party heads to The Yawning Portal to meet with the Doom Raiders and discuss mercenaries. There, they are introduced to Skeemo Weirdbottle, a member of the Doom Raiders who can sell them potions at a discount. It's revealed Skeemo was with Yagra Stonefist when she was captured by the Xanathar's Guild and escaped. He defends himself saying it would have helped no one if he was captured too, but it's clear  he and Yagra don't get along. Runt Thundermount has found one of the first people he actively dislikes. Skeemo, for his part, is skeptical of the party especially when they reveal they have children at home.   The party ends up buying a number of potions from Skeemo. They're also introduced to Tashlyn, another Doom Raider, who works for the City Guard. She has mercenaries the party can hire. The party ends up hiring 6 veterans and 12 thugs. They outline a tentative plan that Davil Starsong, Yagra, and Ziraj will go into Kolat Towers with the party. Tashlyn will hold the mercenaries nearby with the other pass-amulet they have and wait for a signal to attack.   When they have a tentative plan, Skeemo leaves, wanting no part of the attack. The party leaves, but Cameron breaks off to follow Skeemo. He follows him into the Trades Ward. Skeemo heads into a potion store he owns and operates. A moment or two later Cameron sees a paper bird fly out of a second story window. Cameron fire bolts it. He waits but no other means of communication are sent out.   Cameron returns to the party and tells them what happened. He convinces them to head back to the Yawning Portal to tell Davil. Davil's a little drunk but sobers when he hears that Cameron followed one of his people. He does not take the news well and gets suspicious and annoyed that the party is questioning the loyalty of his Doom Raiders. Cameron doesn't convince him that Skeemo is actively working against them, but a seed of doubt has been planted.

Rewards Granted

  • small crystal pendant off a Bane cultist
  • jar of dirt containing a beating heart off a Bane cultist
  • ceremonial dagger off a Bane cultist
  • mysterious potion from the basement of Yellowspire
Potions bought from Skeemo:
  • 4 healing potions
  • 2 greater healing potions
  • 1 superior healing potion
  • 1 potion of stone giant strength
Hired 6 veterans and 12 thugs for the raid on Kolat Towers
Report Date
07 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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