Session 69: Tree Punching Report

General Summary

The party had just opened a portal gate by putting a coin in a slot when a voice carried across the empty room, "are you the champions I seek?" Cameron Overholt tries to speak with her but there's no response.
  On the other side of the gate the party sees three sleeping humanoid figures that haven't noticed them yet. There are three other empty pallets. Cameron sends the Grad Assistant turret through, but it runs into a backpack and makes noise. The three drow yell that the gate is open. Andryn Stormpeak attempts to speak to them and say they're just passing through when the gate suddenly closes. She puts another coin in the slot and the gate opens again. The drow tell the party to find another way through. They kick the Grad Assistant back to the party.
  Cameron puts another coin in the slot, much to the annoyance of the drow. There's some back and forth before the gate closes again. Another coin in the slot. This time a drow leader is at the gate. She tells them that if they do a task for her she'll let them through and even help them move further into Undermountain. She tells the party that there is unrest on her current level (level 4). Kuo-toa are upset about some kind of water dragon that's displaced them and befouled their home. The kuo-toa aren't fans of the drow so they can't get close. The gate closes.
  One more coin and this time Cameron steps through. A rune over the gate flashes. Cameron is able to shrug off some kind of eldritch magic that flared when he walked through the gate. Cameron realizes going through these arcane gates can either grant you a boon or a bane. The party talk to Melith Auvryndar, the drow priestess. She doesn't care who ends up on top of this conflict with the drow and "water dragon", she just want it to end. She tells them of a lake to the southwest where the kuo-toa lived and this water dragon currently resides. She tells them if they resolve this conflict she'll give them a raft to the next level of Undermountain.
  The party heads through this series of caverns to a large underground forest of fungi. Cameron takes some samples of the fungi, specifically the ripplebark and barrelstalk. The forest also contains a wood of zhurkwood trees. Cameron finds an abandoned campsite and takes some healing potions he finds. As he does many of the trees come to life and begin to attack the party. Thredd punches several trees to death.
  The party continues to explore the level. As they near a river they hear a male, non-human voice tell them it will not tolerate incursions into its lair. They are to leave or face extermination. Cameron peppers it with questions until the creatures invites them to visit him. He is very hungry.
  As the party heads down another cavern discussing how they will proceed, dark mantles drop from the ceilling attacking the group.
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Thredd Dorselar
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Report Date
27 Nov 2022
Primary Location
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