Session 73: Into the Woods Report

General Summary

Rattled after their close call with the chuul and kuo-toa sent by the water dragon, the party takes stock of the raft they built to escape Level 4 of Undermountain. They find it has been destroyed and mostly washed away by the river in this massive subterranean cavern.   The party takes a long rest and the next morning, as they try to figure out what to do next, Cameron Overholt hears the telltale signs of hook horrors nearby. The party goes over options on how to escape this level. Andryn Stormpeak reveals she's taken the spell Water Walk today and the party can simply walk on the river to safety. The party ties themselves together and ventures out onto the surface of the river and quietly make their way to the tunnel that leads to Level 5.  
As they begin to descend into the dark tunnel they hear a voice say "leaving so soon?" and they sense something rushing downriver in their direction. A massive gray-green body bursts from the water near them. It has two heads, split at the neck, with a pinched segmented body. In an instant it devours a nearby troglodyte. The party starts running and the mysterious "water dragon" chuckles and says "come back soon. I'm ever so hungry."   The party follows the twisting river in its long descent to Level 5. The party manages to survive rapids, sneak passed some Undermountain denizens, find a long-abandoned camp where they discover a Pipe of Smoke Monsters, see passed a illusionary hydra, and, finally, jump down a 60 foot waterfall before the river spills out into Level 5 and they find themselves momentarily blinded by the sun. They take in Wyllowwood of Level Five, a massive forest where the sun and wind feels as real as if they were outside Undermountain.   They take in the thick forest and paddling river. The woman's voice who has been speaking to them their entire time in Undermountain says faintly "you're close but I cannot aid you here. She--" The voice is cut off before she can say anything further. The party makes their way to the shore and see a sign that reads "Behold Wyllow's Wood. Harm not lest ye be harmed." The party ventures into the forest and Thredd and Andryn see a dragon fly overhead.   The party look around and come upon a long-ruined 20-foot walkways that stretch across a portion of the forest. Most have crumbled beyond repair. They find an abandoned guard house and investigate. It looks like people left in a hurry, but many, many years ago. They find a body of halfling that looks to have died from lightning. They investigate what they suspect is a portal in the wall but are unable to open it.   Back in the forest the party sees a raven flying toward them. With an ethereal female voice it welcomes them and invites them to her tower, saying she would love to meet her new denizens. The party realize this is Wyllow speaking through this raven. The party decides to check out nearby moaning coming from the mouth of a tunnel carved into a cliffside. Thredd sneaks closer trying to understand what the moaning voice is saying but is struck with the Frightened condition and runs away.   The party decides to visit Wyllow instead. Outside her tower they find four alcoves carved into the side of a cliff, filled with skeletons. They decide to continue to her tower and are greeted by a massive awakened tree who introduces himself as Halastree. He escorts them to Wyllow's receiving room. Wyllow is a beautiful elven woman seated on a throne made of crystal. A displacer beasts lounges next to her. She introduces him as Crissann. She repeats the warning that no harm may come to any creatures of her wood unless the party wants to feel her wrath.

Rewards Granted

Pipe of Smoke Monsters
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Thredd Dorselar
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Report Date
22 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Related Characters


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