Trollskull Manor and Tavern

Four stories tall and boasting balconies, a turret, and five chimneys, the abandoned building is one of the grandest in Trollskull Alley.


Manor Upgrades Purchased

  • Gutting, Cleaning, and Structural and Cosmetic Repairs
  • Manor Furnishings – Current Grade: Comfortable
  • Smithy (every week a random piece of metal weaponry, armor, or adventuring gear is produced, usually of common quality)
  • Laboratory (each week, a random potion is produced, usually of common quality but occasionally uncommon or rare)
  • Security Enhancements

Tavern Upgrades Purchased

  • Basic Tavern Staff – 6 staff members (+1)
  • Taproom – Current Grade: Comfortable (+3)
  • Stage (+1)
  • Entertainment (+1; roll d6 per week: odd number results in +3)

  • Current Tavern Valuation
    • Trollskull Tavern: +6 Poor
    • Frewn's Brews: +14 Modest

Weekly Expenses

  • City Maintenance: 5 gp
  • Guild Contracts Fees: 5 gp
  • Innkeepers Guild Membership: 2 gp
  • Staff: 18 gp, 1 sp for Trollskull
  • Staff: 15 gp for Frewns Brews
  • Booze: 12 gp, 5 sp
  • Tutor: 4 pg
  • Entertainer: 15 gp
  • Local informants: 8 gp
Total Weekly Expenses: 84 gp, 6 sp

Available Renovations and Services

  Note on Renovation Costs and Times: If the prerequisites for a renovation are met, the initial construction can be done at any level of quality. To upgrade an existing renovation from one level of quality to another, the cost is equal to the difference between the two levels and the time required is halved, rounded down. Unless listed as “upfront,” the cost of a renovation is due upon completion. If the cost is not paid upon completion, the renovation is canceled and the guilds become angry with you.  

One-Time Expenses

  City Permits and Guild Licenses – PURCHASED
  • Cost: 250 gp upfront, 1 day
  • Benefit: Enables necessary repairs and improvements and ensures you are not in violation of the law.

Gutting, Cleaning, and Structural and Cosmetic Repairs – PURCHASED
  • Cost: 1,000 gp, 12 days
  • Benefit: Enables additional improvements, renovations, and upgrades. Does not include any furnishings aside from those listed as being in good condition (counts as “minimal” under the Manor Furnishings upgrade). Taking a long rest in Trollskull Manor temporarily increases your maximum hit points by 1 until your next long rest.

Regular Expenses

Guild Contract Fees - PURCHASED
  • Cost: 5 gp per tenday
  • Benefit: Enables improvements and ensures you are in compliance with the law while conducting renovations or operating a business.
  City Services and Regular Maintenance - PURCHASED
  • Cost: 5 gp per tenday
  • Benefit: Connects the property to the water and sewer supply and the guilds keep the building from falling into disrepair.
  Guild Memberships
  • Cost: 2 gp per tenday
  • Benefit: Covers membership for the entire party in an additional guild that governs a business or trade you may be engaged in, such as the Vintners’, Distillers’, and Brewers’ Guild, Council of Musicians, Instrument-makers, and Choristers, Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, Surveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild, or Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers.
    Current Memberships
  • Fellowship of Innkeepers
    • Cost: 2 gp per tenday
    • Benefit: If you intend to operate Trollskull Manor as a tavern or inn, this covers membership for the entire party and keeps you on the good side of the guilds of Waterdeep.

Manor Services and Upgrades

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Basic Manor Staff
Maid, butler, and cook. Employees to take care of the basic services of the manor.
  • Prerequisite: Manor Furnishings (Basic), Kitchen (Cheap)
  • Cost: 15 gp per tenday, 3 days
  • Benefit: In addition to the maximum hit point increase, taking a long rest in Trollskull Manor now grants temporary hit points equal to half the character’s level.
  Manor Service Staff
Steward, launderer, waiter, servants, and scullions. Employees to ensure the party’s needs are always accommodated.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff, Manor Furnishings (Comfortable), Kitchen (Moderate), Larder (Cheap)
  • Cost: 30 gp per tenday, 5 days, one room of the manor or another vacant building is converted to live-in servants’ quarters.
  • Benefit: In addition to the maximum hit point increase, taking a long rest in Trollskull Manor now grants temporary hit points equal to the character’s level.
  Manor Noble Staff
Chamberlain, chancellor, dresser, pantler, cellerer, confectioner, and pages. Employees and attendants to ensure the manor is up to the standards and presentation of the noble class.
  • Prerequisite: Manor Service Staff, Manor Furnishings (Lavish), Barracks, Shrine or Library, Cobbled Streets, Kitchen (Quality), Larder (Moderate), Cellar (Moderate)
  • Cost: 50 gp per tenday, 10 days, an additional room of the manor or another vacant building is converted to live-in staff’s quarters.
  • Benefit: You are now regarded as a member of the nobility and can choose to gain the benefits of either the Position of Privilege feature or the Retainers variant feature of the Noble background.
  Manor Furnishings – CURRENT: COMFORTABLE
Softer beds, comfortable sofas and chairs, quality woodwork, a washbasin in every bedroom, or perhaps even a dedicated bathing room with a small fire elemental heating up water.
  • Cost: 20 gp (minimal) or 200 gp (basic) or 400 gp (comfortable) or 1,200 gp (lavish), 5 days
  • Benefit: Taking a long rest in Trollskull Manor now temporarily increases your maximum hit points by 0/3/9/27 until your next long rest.
A secure, fortified space in the manor, complete with traps and a sturdy dwarf-made door and optional magical enhancements. Perfect for storing treasures and income that accrue while you are away adventuring.
  • Cost: 400 gp (basic) or 900 gp (moderate) or 1,800 gp (complex), 10 days
  • Benefit: Should any thief make it to the vault, bypassing the lock is a DC (18/23/30) task. Regardless of the physical space it occupies, the interior space of the vault is (50/500/5,000) cubic feet. There is your choice of (0/0/1) deadly trap and (0/1/2) dangerous traps and (1/2/3) setback traps (Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 121) rigged to the vault. The door (is not/is not/is) protected by a magical passphrase.
  Security Enhancements - PURCHASED
Although Waterdeep’s streets are generally fairly safe, bad things do happen: monsters come out of the sewers, magic goes awry, or a new gang decides to offer their “protection.” Reinforced shutters and doors protect the structure from outside threats.
  • Cost: 200 gp, 2 days
  • Benefit: Defenders receive heavy cover against attackers outside the building during an assault and windows and doors are more difficult to break.
  Magical Security System
For the discerning manor owner, no cost is too great to secure your home against unwanted intrusion.
  • Prerequisite: Security Enhancements
  • Cost: Minimum of 500 gp (see below), minimum of 5 days (see below)
  • Benefit: Exterior doors and windows are all equipped with a permanent alarm spell, cast at 1st level, that is active from dusk to dawn. For each additional 100 gp and 1 day spent, you can choose one of the following: to alter or extend the active duration to any number of hours, to give the alarm both a mental and audible effect, to upgrade the audible effect to that of a magic mouth spell, to upgrade the mental effect to that of a sending spell, to extend the effect to an additional object or structure inside the manor, or to increase the spell level by 1. If you have the Barracks, Noble Retinue, or Tavern Bouncers, they can manually trigger the alarm at the sign of danger. This renovation cannot be upgraded; to add more capabilities as described above, the system’s magic must be dispelled and completely recast.
A small group of dedicated security staff that guard the interior and patrol the streets around the manor, keeping an eye on the premises and any visitors.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff, Security Enhancements
  • Cost: 100 gp plus 30 gp per tenday (less, with additional personnel options, if you have sufficient renown with a faction), 4 days, one room of the manor or another vacant building is converted to guard barracks
  • Benefit: A loyal security force, consisting of 4 guards led by a veteran master at arms, enters your service. If any of them dies, another recruit takes their place after a month. This upgrade significantly reduces the chance that anything goes wrong when you are away.
  Noble Retinue
You hire experienced and well-equipped soldiers to bear your house’s colors and defend your home and your honor.
  • Prerequisite: Barracks, Manor Noble Staff
  • Cost: 100 gp per 20 soldiers plus 30 gp per 10 soldiers per tenday (up to 70 soldiers maximum) in addition to the ongoing cost of the Barracks (now wages for the master at arms), 12 days, one room of the manor or another vacant building per 20 soldiers is converted to soldiers’ barracks and the one previously used for the Barracks becomes the master at arms’ office
  • Benefit: The security force provided by your Barracks expands and improves to that of an official noble house’s soldiery. Out of every 10 soldiers in your employ, there are 8 professional thugs led by 2 veterans. You also gain the services of a knight as your master at arms, who directs these forces and joins them in the event of a threat on the manor.
  Basic Manor Insurance
Secures a building insurance policy with the Guild of Insurers and Actuaries that covers your manor house against damage caused by fire, storms, floods, earthquakes, and subsidence.
  • Cost: 10 gp per tenday, 1 day
  • Benefit: Reduces your liability for unfortunate natural events.
  Enhanced Manor Insurance
Secures a building insurance policy with the Guild of Insurers and Actuaries that covers your manor house against damage caused by hostile physical or magical forces.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Insurance
  • Cost: 20 gp per tenday, 1 day
  • Benefit: Reduces your liability for physical or magical damage by hostile parties.
  Local Informants - PURCHASED (Ryba and the wererats)
A deal with a local guild, mercenary group, faction, or the Watch ensures that you always know what is going on in the neighbourhood.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff
  • Cost: 15 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with a faction), 3 days
  • Benefit: Defenders cannot be surprised during an assault and you are more likely to receive advance warning of any planned activities, criminal or otherwise, in Trollskull Alley.
  Information Connection
A word here, a smile there, and a lot of greased palms, and suddenly that member of a guild or faction becomes your tavern’s regular—and you know what the guilds or the faction wants and what they fear. This knowledge helps you leverage better deals.
  • Prerequisite: Local Informants, Basic Tavern Staff
  • Cost: 20 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with the organization chosen or an opposing one), 7 days
  • Benefit: Choose either the guilds or one specific faction of Waterdeep. You gain advantage when negotiating deals with members of that organization or when recalling details of its history. Can be taken more than once, with a different organization each time.
  Spy Network
You have people embedded in an organization that constantly feed you information and can enact your whims to steer the course of the leadership’s actions.
  • Prerequisite: Information Connection, Snug
  • Cost: 40 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with the organization chosen or an opposing one), 30 days
  • Benefit: You gain insights into the inner workings of an organization in which you have an existing Information Connection. Once per tenday, you can ask one question and give one order that your agents will act to the best of their ability to discover the answer to and to carry out.
A beautiful roof garden, full of flowers, gurgling fountains, gazebos and benches where you can sit and watch the colorful birds and butterflies that visit.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff
  • Cost: 300 gp, 12 days, either the north or south side of the roof (at the attic level) is converted to a garden
  • Benefit: At any point, you may choose to gain an inspiration point after a long rest in Trollskull Manor that includes light activity spent in the garden. This can be done only once. The garden also provides an unlimited source of herbs for medicine, cooking, alchemy, or poisons. This renovation can be made up to twice, once for each side of the roof.
A room or a small building (or, in some cases, a tree) dedicated to the worship of one of the many Faerûnian gods. Devotees can spend their time here, strengthening their connection with their patron god.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff
  • Cost: 1,000 gp, 7 days, a 10-foot-square section of one room of the manor or a 10-foot-square outdoor area is converted to a holy shrine (space can be shared with Garden)
  • Benefit: Taking at least 7 consecutive long rests in the Manor allows a divine spellcaster to prepare one additional spell of the highest level available to them for one month. You also gain advantage on Intelligence (Religion) checks (and Nature if your deity has the nature domain) made at the Shrine.
Books bring relaxation, wisdom, and knowledge. Arcane magic users find that studying benefits their spellcasting abilities.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff
  • Cost: 1,000 gp, 7 days, minimum four 5-foot-width bookshelves are entirely filled with tomes of esoteric knowledge or one room is converted to a library with books of mixed subject matter including esoteric tomes
  • Benefit: Taking at least 7 consecutive long rests in the Manor allows an arcane spellcaster to prepare one additional spell of the highest level available to them for one month. You also gain advantage on Intelligence checks (except for Religion) made at the Library to look up specific pieces of information.
Having a small hospital and a healer on one’s lands not only ensures the people’s and soldiers’ gratitude, but also provides medical professionals whose instructions, recalled in the midst of battle, can save lives.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff
  • Cost: 200 gp plus 10 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with a faction), 6 days, half of one room of the manor or another vacant building is converted to a medical clinic (space can be shared with Barracks or Shrine)
  • Benefit: Taking a long rest in Trollskull Manor temporarily grants advantage on Wisdom (Medicine) checks until your next long rest. Taking at least 7 consecutive long rests in the Manor allows a character reduced to 0 HP to automatically succeed on their next death saving throw.
  Laboratory - PURCHASED
A room that, for safety reasons, is located in the tower, attic, or basement, and is full of alchemical equipment and ingredients and a wizened, antisocial alchemist.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff, Vault
  • Cost: 300 gp plus 25 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with a faction), 9 days, one room on the top floor or the cellar of the manor or another vacant building is converted to a laboratory (if cellar, the full cellar can no longer be used for any other activities)
  • Benefit: At the end of each tenday, a random potion is produced, usually of common quality but occasionally uncommon or rare, which is then stored in the Vault. You can also request that the alchemist work on a specific potion of common quality over the next tenday. Slightly increases the chance of a catastrophic event.
  Smithy - PURCHASED
A forge with bellows, anvil, and other smithing supplies is installed in a subterranean or exterior room with good ventilation. A burly, affable tinker-smith tends to the flames and any household needs for smithing or repair.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Manor Staff, Vault
  • Cost: 400 gp plus 25 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with a faction), 8 days, half of a cellar or a 20-foot-square outdoor area is converted into a smithy (if cellar, this half can no longer be used for any other activities)
  • Benefit: At the end of each tenday, a random piece of metal weaponry, armor, or adventuring gear is produced, usually of common quality, which is then stored in the Vault. Occasionally, an item of uncommon or rare quality or a mechanical invention will be produced. You can also request that the smith work on a specific metal item of common quality over the next tenday per 100 gp value. If you have built the Barracks, you can also choose to have the smith hone their weapons and armor for a tenday, granting all guards or soldiers in your employ a +1 bonus to attack rolls and AC for the next month. Regular maintenance costs for the manor are reduced.
  House Finance Office
A small, dark room filled to the brim with scrolls and books on the management of finances. This is where your manor comptroller resides, and his devotion to numbers is truly something to behold.
  • Prerequisite: Manor Service Staff, Vault
  • Cost: 150 gp plus 15 gp per tenday (less if you have sufficient renown with a faction), 8 days, one small room of the manor or another vacant building is converted to an office (can previously have been a privy, storage closet, or sitting room; can be combined with Business Office)
  • Benefit: Thanks to the magical mysteries of finance, guild fees and your chances of running at a loss are reduced.
  Training Course
Some adventurers just cannot sit tight, and continuously strive to get better, faster and tougher. Regular training is what they call resting. Typically located in the basement, this training course includes beams, ropes, walls, mud, and swinging targets.
  • Cost: 150 gp, 4 days, half of a cellar or a 20-foot-square outdoor area is converted into a training course (if cellar, this half can no longer be used for any other activities)
  • Benefit: By spending at least 4 hours per day for at least a tenday working out, a character can choose to gain one of the following benefits for the next month: their movement speed increases by 5 feet, or they gain a +1 bonus to initiative rolls. Both benefits can be gained by spending two consecutive tendays working out.
  Cobbled Street
Well-laid streets are vital for any community, for they allow heavy carts to travel even during rain or snow and when dirt roads turn to mud, slush, or ice. They also increase the overall quality and appearance of the neighbourhood.
  • Cost: 200 gp, 15 days
  • Benefit: Good roads halve the travel time around the manor, allowing your suppliers to reach you more easily, which grants your business additional income (if you have invested in Basic Tavern Staff). Your neighbors’ opinion of you increases substantially, granting you advantage on any Charisma (Persuasion) checks to influence their actions.
Custom Manor Renovation Cost: TBD.
Benefit: Discuss with the DM.

Tavern Services and Upgrades

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  Basic Tavern Staff – CURRENT: 5 EMPLOYEES Manager, barkeep, and waitstaff. A minimal staff to keep the day-to-day operations of a small business running.
  • Cost: 15 gp per tenday (15 gp per week with raises given)
  • Benefit: Required to operate the tavern.

Tavern Service Staff Additional bartenders and waitstaff, line cooks, dishwasher, and busser. To accommodate a larger or more discerning clientele, especially in food and drink service.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Tavern Staff, Taproom (Moderate), Kitchen (Moderate)
  • Cost: 15 gp per tenday
  • Benefit: Valuation +1. Required to operate a Quality Taproom.

Tavern Entertainment - PURCHASED Regular performers, including troupes of musicians, comedians, actors, acrobats, or burlesque dancers, to entertain your patrons and keep the drinks flowing. Prerequisite: Basic Tavern Staff, Taproom (Cheap), Stage
  • Cost: 15 gp per tenday
  • Benefit: Valuation +1. At the end of each tenday, roll a d6: on an odd result it adds a +1 bonus to your roll on the Business Results table and on an even roll it adds a +3 bonus. This service can be hired once per available Stage. If the Stage has a Dance Floor installed, the +3 bonus for even rolls becomes +5.

Tavern Bouncers A pair of huge barrel-chested siblings with fists of stone and hearts of gold. They keep the rabble down and help protect your property and your clientele.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Tavern Staff, Taproom (Cheap)
  • Cost: 10 gp per tenday (less, with additional personnel options, if you have sufficient renown with a faction)
  • Benefit: Reduces the risk of your business to violence and crime. Can act in the protection of your business as two bandits. With construction of a Barracks, the cost of the Tavern Bouncers is halved and they are added to the general defense force of the manor as two thugs. With a Noble Retinue, they become veterans.

Tavern Preventative Maintenance A sensible tavernkeeper invests a little extra to keep things ship-shape and in good order.
  • Cost: 10 gp per tenday
  • Benefit: May reduce other expenses later.

Basic Tavern Insurance Secures a building insurance policy with the Guild of Insurers and Actuaries that covers your business against damage caused by fire, storms, floods, earthquakes, and subsidence.
  • Cost: 10 gp per tenday, 1 day
  • Benefit: Reduces the liability of your business for unfortunate natural events. If you also hold a Basic Manor Insurance policy, the cost of this policy is halved.

Enhanced Tavern Insurance Secures a building insurance policy with the Guild of Insurers and Actuaries that covers your business against damage caused by hostile physical or magical forces.
  • Prerequisite: Basic Tavern Insurance
  • Cost: 20 gp per tenday, 1 day
  • Benefit: Reduces the liability of your business for physical or magical damage by hostile parties. If you also hold an Enhanced Manor Insurance policy, the cost of this policy is halved.

Taproom – CURRENT: MODERATE The taproom is the heart of your tavern, containing your bar, a fireplace, and seating for your guests. Without this, you have no business!
  • Cost: 200 gp (cheap) or 500 gp (moderate) or 1,000 gp (quality), 12 days
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). A minimum of a Basic Taproom is required to operate the tavern. Enables the Manage Business downtime activity.

Kitchen All this drinking is sure to cook up an appetite in your customers! Providing food is the very first step to better service.
  • Cost: 200 gp (cheap) or 500 gp (moderate) or 1,000 (quality), 7 days
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). Enables the Hold Feast downtime activity.

Larder A storage area for wholefood supplies with a cool room for perishables. Any establishment looking to improve its fare should start with one of these.
  • Prerequisite: Kitchen (Cheap)
  • Cost: 200 gp (cheap) or 500 gp (moderate) or 1,000 (quality), 3 days
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). Enables the Source Rare Ingredients downtime activity and can hold up to (10/20/50) rare ingredients.

Cellar A stone-lined cellar allows you to stockpile wines and spirits at temperature and hold reserves of ale inside giant storage barrels, as well as select wines and liquors.
  • Cost: 400 gp (cheap) or 650 gp (moderate) or 800 (quality), 5 days
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). Enables the Smuggling downtime activity. The organization of a Quality Cellar frees up an additional half-cellar’s worth of usable space.

Privy Most taverns make do with an outhouse, ditch, or screened-off chamber pot for patrons to relieve themselves in. Building an indoor privy is the height of luxury and sure to make your tavern a talking point around town.
  • Prerequisite: Taproom (Cheap)
  • Cost: 200 gp (cheap) or 500 gp (moderate) or 1,000 gp (quality), 6 days
  • Benefit: Valuation +(2/3/4).

Brewery Brewing your own ale is a must if you want to escape the outlandish rates that private brewers charge. If your brew is good, you can even supply it to other taverns in your area!
  • Prerequisite: Cellar (Cheap)
  • Cost: 200 gp (cheap) or 450 gp (moderate) or 600 gp (quality), 5 days, half of the cellar is filled with casks of beer and brewing supplies and can no longer be used for any other activities
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). Enables the Brewing downtime activity.

Distillery A distillery allows you to distill your own brands of vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, or other liquors for sale on and off the premises. Fiery branded liquors are vital for raising your tavern’s profile and boosting revenue.
  • Prerequisite: Cellar (Cheap)
  • Cost: 400 gp (cheap) or 650 gp (moderate) or 800 gp (quality), 5 days, half of the cellar is filled with racks of liquor and distilling equipment and can no longer be used for any other activities
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). Enables the Distilling downtime activity.

Winery Your manor begins to cultivate its own varieties of grapes and produce exceptional vintages of wine, for serving to your customers or selling on the market, substantially enhancing the prestige of your establishment.
  • Prerequisite: Cellar (Moderate)
  • Cost: 500 gp (cheap) or 750 gp (moderate) or 1,200 gp (quality), 7 days, a minimum 50-foot-square outdoor area is converted to a vineyard, half of the cellar is filled with racks of wine bottles and barrels and other winemaking equipment and can no longer be used for any other activities
  • Benefit: Valuation +(2/4/6). Enables the Vinification downtime activity.

Steam-Powered Tap A mechanical apparatus that propels cask ale from the cellars to hand pumps at the bar. Invented by a rare collaboration between dwarvish and gnomish engineers, these devices allow the busiest taverns to serve customers at greater speed.
  • Prerequisite: Cellar (Cheap) with space available to hold casks of beer (can be combined with Brewery)
  • Cost: 650 gp, 10 days
  • Benefit: Valuation +4. Enables the Hold Beer Festival downtime activity.

Beer Garden When the weather is fine, outside seating allows customers to escape the smoke and grime of the tavern interior. It also raises the respectability of your establishment.
  • Prerequisite: Taproom (Cheap)
  • Cost: 200 gp, 3 days, a minimum 50-foot-square outdoor area is converted to a beer garden (can be shared with Garden if no other structures are present)
  • Benefit: Valuation +2. Enables the Hold Outdoor Barbecue downtime activity. Does not function in winter.

Stage – PURCHASED A stage is a raised platform for minstrels, storytellers and actors, typically nestled to one end of your saloon bar or taproom.
  • Prerequisite: Taproom (Cheap), Tavern Service Staff
  • Cost: 200 gp, 3 days, a minimum 20-foot-square area of a Taproom or Saloon Bar is converted into a raised stage
  • Benefit: Valuation +1. Enables the Perform downtime activity. Can be built once per Taproom, Saloon Bar, or Beer Garden.

Dance Floor A dance floor fitted to your saloon bar or taproom lets your patrons revel late into the night and work up a profitable thirst! Its success depends on the quality of your minstrels, so it carries a considerable startup cost.
  • Prerequisite: Tavern Entertainment, Stage
  • Cost: 300 gp, 4 days, the floor of one room containing a stage is converted to a dance floor
  • Benefit: Valuation +1. Enables the Host Dance Night downtime activity. Can be built once per indoor Stage.

Snug The snug, or smoking room, is a private room for paying patrons. It’s not solely the preserve of the rich: servants often pop into the snug for a cheeky drink while running errands in town.
  • Prerequisite: Taproom (Cheap)
  • Cost: 400 gp, 6 days, one small room of the manor or half of the cellar is converted to a smoking room (if cellar, this half can no longer be used for any other activities)
  • Benefit: Valuation +1. Enables the Spying downtime activity.

Saloon Bar A separate bar for guests who are prepared to pay a little extra, with comfortable seating and table service. Saloon bars typically offer some form of entertainment to boot.
  • Prerequisite: Taproom (Cheap), Kitchen (Cheap), Snug, Tavern Entertainment
  • Cost: 500 gp (cheap) or 700 gp (moderate) or 1,200 gp (quality), 12 days, one room (common room, den, library and study, attic, or cellar) of the manor is converted to a private bar (if cellar, it can no longer be used for any other activities)
  • Benefit: Valuation +(2/4/6). You gain advantage on the Charisma (Persuasion) check of the Carousing downtime activity if it is performed in the Saloon Bar.

Feasting Hall If your fare is fine, investing in a dedicated seating area with table service is sure to open your establishment to the wealthier upper classes.
  • Prerequisite: Tavern Service Staff, Kitchen (Moderate), Larder (Moderate)
  • Cost: 500 gp (cheap) or 750 gp (moderate) or 1,200 gp (quality), 8 days, one room of the second floor of the manor is converted to a dining area (common room is eligible)
  • Benefit: Valuation +(2/4/6). Enables the Hold Banquet downtime activity.

Business Office An office provides a secure space to manage your business, containing a strongbox, writing desk, and a bookcase for ledgers and paperwork.
  • Prerequisite: Taproom (Cheap), Basic Tavern Staff
  • Cost: 200 gp, 6 days, one small room of the manor is converted to an office (sitting room or turret peak are eligible; can be combined with House Finance Office)
  • Benefit: Valuation +1. Enables the Marketing downtime activity.

Guest Rooms The presence of bedrooms transforms your humble tavern into an inn. Patrons can now use your establishment as a base to explore the region, turning over a steady stream of profit as they come and go.
  • Prerequisite: For 3 or fewer rooms: Basic Tavern Staff, Kitchen (Cheap for 4 or more rooms: Tavern Service Staff, Kitchen (Moderate)
  • Cost: 400 gp (1 room) or 650 gp (2 rooms) or 900 gp (3 rooms) or 1,150 gp (4 rooms) or 1,400 gp (5 rooms) or 1,650 gp (6 rooms), 10 days, the indicated number of rooms on the second or third floors of the manor are converted to bedrooms for guests (common room and library and study are not eligible)
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5/7/9/11). Enables the Recruit Hirelings downtime activity.

Stable Most taverns provide posts for hitching horses, but a dedicated stable provides extra security for patrons staying overnight. It’s also an additional revenue stream: aside from basic stabling charges, patrons can pay extra for their horses to be fed and brushed down.
  • Prerequisite: Guest Rooms (1 Room)
  • Cost: 400 gp (cheap) or 650 gp (moderate) or 800 gp (quality), 20 days, ground floor of another vacant building is converted into stables
  • Benefit: Valuation +(2/4/6).

Coach House A coach house is the last word in lodging services, transforming your establishment into a full-blown coaching inn. This puts you on the map for wealthy customers traveling between settlements.
  • Prerequisite: Guest Rooms (4 Rooms), Stable (Quality)
  • Cost: 400 gp (cheap) or 650 gp (moderate) or 800 gp (quality), 20 days, ground floor of another vacant building is converted into coach house (can be shared with Stable)
  • Benefit: Valuation +(1/3/5). Enables the Seek Noble Connection downtime activity.

Custom Tavern Renovation
  • Cost: TBD.
  • Benefit: Discuss with the DM.

Current Residents


Current Part Time Residents

Current Staff:
  • Lillian Haekin (manager)
  • Mosp (assistant to the manager)
  • Rohgar (bartender at Trollskull Tavern)
  • Ryba (support/wait staff)
  • Patric Nivka (support/wait staff)
  • Cilia Fordye (bartenter at Frewn's Brews)
  • Fenna Carkasys (entertainment at both bars)


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