Session 67: Franchising Report

General Summary

The party collects themselves after a tough battle. Ryba tells the party that she and her friends (or "colleagues") used this abandoned building on the Snobeedle Orchard and Meadery as a place to lay low when they got into a bit of trouble in the city proper. A week or so ago they arrived to see that Zhentarim had taken over the abandoned house. She tells them that yesterday her friend (the guy currently with her) came to sneak some supplies out and realized the Zhentarim were holding kids here. She realized it might well be Nat, Squiddly, Jenks, and Martem Trec. She and her friend seemed to arrive just in time. They both avoid giving his name but seem to know more about the whole situation on Snobeedle Orchard and Meadery. They offer to take care of the bodies and clean up the house while the party takes the kids back home.   The party heads home. Thredd Dorselar sends a paper bird toe Vajra Safahr to tell her the kids have been rescued. She sends a Sending spell back asking Thredd to keep an eye on the party since they seem to get themselves into situations that have been missed by Force Grey.

The denizens of Trollskull Manor and Tavern are happy to see the children returned safely. The kids ask where Runt Thundermount is. Cameron Overholt and Andryn Stormpeak tell them that Runt had personal business to take care of but will hopefully return. The kids are clearly upset, but rally together.   (We roll for tavern events/profits. A local "dragon cult" plays their 'Mages and Monsters' game at the tavern which hurts business and a swarm of rats takes up residence in the basement but Ryba will deal with it. The tavern has lost some gold the past two weeks.)   They realize they need to hire entertainment to drudge up new business. Thredd comes up with a list of three candidates. They head to interview one at the Grinning Lion in the North Ward. Cameron decides to make his own drinks for the lute player. The current bartender doesn't take kindly to that. Cameron casts some spells and sews some chaos and the lute player declines their offer. They next head to Frewn's Brews on the other side of Trollskull Alley. They find a gnome singer inside leading the patrons in drinking songs. Thredd notices that Emmeck Frewn is in the corner seemingly being shaken down. Cameron and Andryn recognize the person threatening him from their raid on Kolat Towers. He worked for Istrid Horn, the loan shark/money lender in the Doom Raiders.   Thredd succeeds in luring Fenna Carkasys away from Frewn's employ. She says she thinks she can bring one of the bartenders with her. As they are about to leave Frewn approaches the party acting like they're old friends. They see he has a black eye. He says he's happy for their success and that one business' success on the street is a success for them all. That they need to invest in each other. He then asks if they investing in his tavern. He apparently owes some money and is in financial trouble. The party counters with an offer to buy his business. He's unhappy about it but finally relents for 10,000 gp. The party then informs Istrid Horn that Frewn has come into some money and is able to repay her. She thanks them for the intel and asks after Davil Starsong.   The party then head to Blackstaff Tower to meet with the Blackstaff. Laraelra "Elra" Harsard takes them up to Vajra. She wonders about leaving Davil in his current situation but likes the idea of him owing her. She breaks Davil from his imprisonment spell. He isn't happy that she was the one to free him but begrudgingly thanks her and expresses his delight that the party has taken care of Manshoon. He intends to rebuild the Zhentarim in his own image now.   Before the leave Vajra asks the party if they know what happened to Manshoon's body. The party forgot they put it in the bag of holding. They tell her they wanted to ask him some questions. Exasperated Vajra tells them to just turn the body over later that afternoon. She'll send someone by.   When they get back to the tavern there's a package waiting for them. Inside they find a Portable Hole with a note that says, "in case I'm not around to help you out of a sticky situation". Also in the box is a taxidermied goldfish on a plaque. A note to Andryn says, "thanks again. Couldn't have done it without you."

Rewards Granted

Gold/silver from Zhentarim bodies (don't remember exactly how much). Portable Hole Xanathar's taxidermied pet goldfish on a plaque


What upgrades do you want for your house/tavern (if any)?
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Report Date
03 Jul 2022
Primary Location


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