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The Vile Dominion

"If there is one power in our world that must remain tamed and concealed, it is that of the Dominion's will."

Alvis Fox, The Weekly Phoenix.

At the beginning of the second age, the age of Animus, the Ophidian Queen Xitlali stroke an alliance with Rattamaz the Vile, warlord of the Hellsink. Together they grew strong and plentiful. They began to dwell in the surface world, and reclaimed all territories of theirs, which had been encroached upon by outsiders. But that wasn't enough, they had their eyes set on the west. So, the Feynd lords stretched their reach towards the worlds of Men and Fae.
The first to fall were The Kaba to the north, they were enslaved and turned to beasts of burden. Oxson was next, and its people were turned to fodder for the war. Oaza and Oss fell too. The Dominion continued its push westward and reached as far as Grynnmoor and the Eastrath, before they were stopped. But their defeat was hard fought and hard earned. They retained control of the territories they gained for decades. During which time, they sacked and robbed the wealth from Koffus and Ilea. They returned to Effis with riches unimaginable.

Today, the Dominion's focus appears to be restoration. Small raiding parties is all the world ever sees of them anymore. They maintain their economy mostly through extorsion, loan sharking, slave trade, mercenary and conscript services, and bounty hunting. Despite their current "peaceful" coexistence with the rest of the world, the Addani and other peoples of the west believe this to be nothing more than the calm before the storm. A planning period for the Vile Dominion to regroup and muster its strength. The world stays at the edge of its seat, dreadfully expecting the return of the Vile Dominion.
Head of State
Xitlali - Queen of the Ophidians
Rattamaz the Vile - Warlord of Effis   Capital City(s)
Syznak - Ophidian Capital City
Zikirnis - Hobb Capital City   Influence Level Moderate   Population Make Up
Majority - Ophidian & Hobb Populations
Minority - Orc, Kobold, Wint, Mutant, Human, Doth'Urza & Kaba   Religion(s) Xicism   Geographical Domain All of Effis  - The Foul Waters - Tumbra (Netherdwell) - Parts of the Red Valley, the Sorrowdrought, and the Surra Dunes.
Associated Factions & Organizations Associated Persons of Import
  • Bad Luck Bind
  • Tarak the Tyrant
  • The King Below
  • Aketzu Nagashi

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