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Fertile farmlands surround the grand cities of Aundair. The floating towers of Arcanix are the finest institute for mystical study in Khorvaire, and magic is deeply ingrained in Aundairian culture. The nation produces more magewrights and wandslingers than any other in Khorvaire.   From the nobles lounging in the towers of Fairhaven to the common folk working the vast vineyards of Bluevine, Aundairians value wit and wisdom. Aundairians prefer finesse to brute force and appreciate cunning wordplay and fine fashions. The Sovereign Host is the dominant faith of Aundair, with a particular devotion to Aureon. However, the Silver Flame also maintains a devoted following-some might say overzealous.   Although Aundair is a small nation, its arcane superiority allowed it retain its dominion during the Last War. The people of Aundair know that knowledge is power, and they take pride in their nation's magical advancements. To ensure her nation's prosperity and dominance, Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn sponsors The Arcane Congress, a society for the advancement of magical knowledge and its practical application, especially in bettering the lives of Aundair and its people.


A royal family, led by Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn. Power is strongly held within the family, in particular with her brothers, Prince Adal ir'Wynarn the Minister for Magic, and Prince Aurad ir'Wynarn, the governor of the capital, Fairhaven. The many noble families of the country also hold a great deal of power, and the system remains more feudal than its neighbors.


Aundair's people are a model of duality. Split between rugged hard working agriculturalists and learned, bookish individuals the "typical" Aundarian is anything but. Metropolises bustle with activity as two major dragonmarked house enclaves and two centers of learning draw heavy business, while solitary monasteries dot the landscape where monks live in almost complete solitude, rarely venturing from their homes. Aundair's temperate climate and fertile soil make it a haven for good farmland and Aundair's wine is especially well known across Khorvaire. Two great centers of learning reside in Aundair, The University of Wynarn and the floating city of arcane study Arcanix. Both of these institutions have suffered from a lack of students during the Last War, but admissions are increasing yearly.   Aundairians are known for their somewhat arrogant attitudes. Although arrogance is hardly a trait unique in the Five Nations, the Aundarians learn at a young age the results of a strong will in competition with others. That is not to say that every Aundarian is stubborn, or thick-headed, but that they will not easily concede a point they believe to be right, and indeed public duels have become a staple of Aundarian society; so much that many Aundarians have adopted names for specific maneuvers and styles used in duels.   Aundair is big and roads network throughout the nation making travel easy. Most Aundarians live away from major cities in farmlands, but still remain connected to their local cities and towns; thus Aundarian horsemanship is second only to the elves of Valenar.

Public Agenda

Aundairians debate over differing views of their nation's future. Some believe the first focus should be reuniting Aundair and the Eldeen Reaches, whether through diplomacy or force. Others consider Thrane and their occupation of Thaliost to be the pressing issue. And still others support Queen Aurala's claim to the throne of Galifar, and the restarting of the Last War.


Aundair and Thrane were bitter rivals during the Last War. Thrane seized the ancient city of Thaliost during the war and holds it to this day. Most of the people of Aundair remain furious about the occupation of Thaliost, but the city has become a haven for Aundairians who revere the Silver Flame.   The Eldeen Reaches seceded from Aundair halfway through the Last War. The western farmers rebelled over high taxes and neglect, allying with the druids of the Reaches. Aundair was forced to accept the sovereignty of the Reaches under the terms of the Treaty of Thronehold, but many Aundairians view it as a renegade nation.   Extensive use of magic has repaired most of the damage to the cities of Aundair, but the countryside remains scarred by the war, especially along the border with Thrane. The Crying Fields are a large region of farmlands permanently scarred by magic and haunted by restless spirits. Aundairians claim their nation is stronger than ever, but some worry about the long-term impact of the loss of the Eldeen farmlands and the Crying Fields.
Founding Date
~ -1500 AM (settlement), 894 YK (independance)
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Cheese, books, education, fashion, grains, wine, wizardry
Official State Religion


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