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In the wake of the Last War, Breland is sometimes considered the most powerful nation in Khorvaire. Possessing a large population and abundant resources, Breland leads the continent in industry.   It lies in the southwest of the continent, enjoying one of the largest areas of the nations and territories. Breland is a mix of open farmland, woodland, and sprawling metropolises, the largest and most famous of which is Sharn. The lightning rail originates out of Sharn and from there travels across Breland and out to the other nations of Khorvaire, while House Orien roadways branch out to more remote locations among the countryside.


King Boranel ir'Wynarn rules Breland in conjunction with an elected parliament. Boranel "The Bear" is a popular leader celebrated for his exploits during the Last War, but his children have yet to prove themselves, and there is a growing movement advocates for abandoning royal rule when Boranel passes, something which may be happening soon between his advanced age and old war injuries that never healed properly.


The Brelish are known for their pragmatism and independence. They lack the discipline of Karrns and the faith of the Thranes, but they excel at finding innovative solutions to problems. The Brelish also have a talent for intrigue and subterfuge. The King's Dark Lanterns is one of the finest intelligence agencies in Khorvaire, rivaled only by House Phiarlan and the Trust of Zilargo. The dark side of these aptitudes is a strong streak of cynicism, which allows crime and corruption to flourish in Brelish cities and temples. The Sovereign Host is the dominant religion of Breland, but in general the Brelish aren't as devout as citizens of other nations.   The conflicts of the Last War caused many Brelish to embrace a cynical view of the world, a sense that no one can be fully trusted and that people need to look out for themselves. This is balanced against a strong belief in humanoid rights and dignity, convictions that motivated the Brelish to shelter more Cyran refugees than any other nation.

Public Agenda

The major cities of Breland host significant populations of refugees, both Cyrans and Brelish from villages lost in the war. This has increased the overall level of poverty and desperation and contributed to an increase in crime. Despite these struggles, the Brelish maintain a positive view of their future. The heart of Breland is as strong as it ever was, and the citizens believe that had the war continued, Breland would have triumphed.


For Breland, the Last War was an ever-shifting tangle of enemies and alliances. Breland fought Aundair, Cyre, Karrnath, and Thrane at various points of the war, as well as clashing with Darguun and Droaam, when the latter carved out a huge section of western Breland into a new country ruled by monstrous races.   The southern cities - including the capital Wroat and the largest, Sharn - suffered relatively little damage in the war, but northern Breland was hard hit. The city of Vathirond is still repairing the damage from Thrane attacks, and many northern villages are either recovering or have simply been abandoned.
Founding Date
~ -1500 AM (settlement), 894 YK (independance)
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Major Exports
Weapons, armor, tools, processed ore, metalwork, organized crime, espionage, manufactured goods, heavy industry
Official State Religion


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