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Discovered History

The discovered history of the ancient giants, Kapaerian Island and the world

The Age of Demons

100000 -YK 20000 -YK

The clerics say that the world was created by three progenitor dragons. When Kyhber the destroyer grew jealous of Siberys the creator and tore her apart, Eberron enveloped Khyber, becoming the world, Siberys above the stars, moons and ring, and Khyber trapped underground. Khyber spawned demons, fiends which dominated and controlled the world for millenia.

  • -20001 AD

    Binding of the Demons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Historians know that when the world was created, it was dominated by fiends until they were bound away by the Silver Flame and the first dragons.

The Age of Giants

20000 -YK 8000 -YK

The mortal world was dominated by the ancient Giant empire, ruling from the southern continent of Xen'drik

  • -19000 AG

    Founding of the Giant Empire

    From the ruins of the world, the ancient giants settled in the southern continent of Xendrik, building a vast empire and great city-states that controlled most of the world

  • -17000 AG

    Dragons teach magic to the Giants
    Diplomatic action

    According to the Rusheme giants, the ancient giants learned powerful and undiscovered magic from the dragons.

  • -16500 AG

    Ancient Elves Enslaved
    Military action

    It's known that the Giant empire kept the ancient elves as slaves, with references to them first appearing here. It's now known they took them from Thelanis, the Feywild, and over time the fey became more grounded in the mortal world, becoming elves.

  • -16000 AG

    Giants Conquer Shae Tirias Tolai
    Military action

    Having great success raiding the Feywild for slaves, the ancient giants used powerful magic to pull an entire city of fey into the world - Shae Tirias Tolai, the City of Silver and Bone. The inhabitants were enslaved, later becoming the elves, and the city abandoned.

  • -14500 AG

    First reference to Scora Bael
    Construction beginning/end

    From artifacts and texts, it seems like the Free City of Scora Bael was founded on Kapaerian Island at some point here

  • -14000 AG

    Founding of the Su'lat League

    From dates found on the huge statue over the habour, a giant named Adaxus founded a league of artificers, smiths and mages that held great power

  • -13540 AG

    Construction of the Fires of Rebirth
    Construction beginning/end

    Many facilities similar to The Fires of Rebirth under Beacon were built early on in the Giant's empire. After this period, references to specific kinds of giant become far more common, as the Fires and facilities like it infused powerful elemental traits into the ancient giants.

  • -9600 AG

    The Quori invade the material world
    Military action

    Historians say that the Quori, tyrannical spirits from the Plane of Dreams invaded the world, travelling here physically to lead armies against the Giants in an attempt to conquer the material world.

  • -8201 AG

    Test Firing of the Skybreaker
    Disaster / Destruction

    According to logsthe Skybreaker was apparently used for the first time, with a disastrous prototype that destroyed one of the islands on the archipelago.

  • -8150 AG

    The "Tomb of The Sleeping Sun" is built
    Discovery, Scientific

    Dates found in the complex underneath Beacon show construction around this time, over a period of several years.

  • -8147 AG

    The Quori are defeated
    Military action

    A memorial found under the town dates the end of the Giant-Quori war to here, giving credit to "The Sleeping Sun" and "The Skybreaker" for ending the war

  • -8142 AG

    The statue above the harbour is built
    Construction beginning/end

    The huge statue of Adaxus, master of the Su'lat League was built above the tomb

  • -8138 AG

    First references to the elven rebellion

    The earliest references to full-scale rebellion of the elves is found here, setting up escape routes, rallying armies, and creating hideouts and ports to smuggle people away from the island

  • -8121 AG

    Heroes of the Elven Rebellion
    Military action

    The first references to the leaders of the elven rebellion on Kapaerian Island are found - they reference three heroes; Vadalia, Sikil and Elronethi, who led the elves enslaved by Scora Bael and the Su'Lat League to freedom.

  • -8113 AG


    Adaxus disappears
    Life, Death

    From Lyndara's journal, around this date she did something which left Adaxus "gone, gone forever... burn[ing] for eternity", and given there's been no mention of him after this date, he is presumed dead.

  • -8109 AG

    17 /1

    Destruction of The Forge of Hours
    Disaster / Destruction

    According to recovered documents, a great battle was fought at the Forge of Hours, between the ancient Giants led by Astrapa, and the elven rebellion led by Vadalia, Sikil and Elronethi.    The elves won the day, destroying the Forge which was described as on an artificial island, and apparently sinking it to the bottom of the ocean.

  • -8109 AG

    20 /1

    Fall of Vadalia's Rest
    Military action

    Several days after the fall of the Forge of Hours, the giants tracked the rebellion back to a headquarters at Vadalia's Rest. The base was taken, and while most of the elves escaped to stolen ships, intending to join their people on mainland Xen'Drik, Vadalia herself was killed.

  • -8109 AG

    14 /5
    -8109 AG

    17 /5

    The Three-Day War
    Disaster / Destruction

    The war room in the Tomb's command post shows that over a three-day period, an enormous majority of Giants and their troops were utterly wiped out by an unknown enemy

  • -8109 AG

    15 /5

    The "Cuts Eternal Through The Waves" is wrecked
    Military action

    The ancient giant ship, Cuts Eternal Through The Waves, is wrecked by an unknown force raining fire on it from above, boiling the elementals and killing the crew.

  • -8108 AG

    Collapse of the Giant Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    Elven historians say that the Giant's empire collapsed in the wake of a great calamity, the elves fleeing the destruction

The Age of Monsters

8000 -YK 0 -YK

After the fall of the Giant empire, but before the rise of the human Galifar empire

  • -7900 AM

    The elves re-settle in Aerenal
    Population Migration / Travel

    Elven historians record that they settled in the island continent of Aerenal, after they fled the collapsing Giant empire. They found the Undying Court that leads them to the modern day.

  • -7600 AM

    Founding of the Sulatar
    Political event

    The history claimed by the Sulatar dates back to this time, where they claim that drow survivors who stayed loyal to the Giants and the Su'Lat League founded the Basalt Citadel on mainland Xen'drik, far to the south of any territory known to Khorvaire.

  • -6200 AM

    Founding of Rusheme Traditions
    Political event

    The survivors of the ancient giant empire's destruction form the Rusheme traditions from the ashes of their empire, moving from city-building and agriculture to a nomadic, druidic tradition, breaking away from their ancestral ways.

  • -4000 AM

    The Daelkyr Invasion
    Military action

    in Khorvaire, the hobgoblin empire is devastated by the invasion of eldritch horrors from the far realm, led by creatures known as the Daelkyr, and making way for humans to settle the continent

  • -2200 AM

    The first dragonmarks appear
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The earliest records of the Marks of Shadow, Hospitality and Death are recorded, followed by the other marks over the next thousand years

  • -1500 AM

    Five Nations are established

    The regions that would become the Five Nations of Khorvaire - Breland, Aundair, Cyre, Thrane and Karrnath - are founded by humans settling the continent.

  • -1390 AM

    City of Sharn is founded

    The largest city in the known world, Sharn, the City of Towers, is first founded on the ruins of the hobgoblin city of Shaarat

  • -1040 AM

    Dragonmarked Houses are recognised
    Diplomatic action

    The first of the Great Houses are formally recognised and established in Khorvaire

Current Age

0 -YK 1002 YK

The era of the great Galifar empire and the Five Nations

  • 1 YK

    Founding of the Kingdom of Galifar
    Era beginning/end

    The Five Nations are united into the Kingdom of Galifar, under King Galifar I

  • 299 YK

    The Church of the Silver Flame is founded
    Religious event

    Humans rediscover the Silver Flame that bound the ancient demons away, and begin worship of the Flame.

  • 496 YK

    Qaltiar Drow Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The various drow cultures known as "Qaltiar" - the Vulkoori, Iltani, Kinaari and Ruverni - travel from mainland Xen'drik to the West Isles.

  • 802 YK

    Stormreach is founded on Xen'drik

    The first human settlement on mainland Xen'drik is founded, the city of Stormreach.

  • 894 YK

    996 YK

    The Last War
    Military action

    The Last War breaks out of a succession crisis in the Kingdom of Galifar, pitting the Five Nations against each other for over a hundred years

  • 965 YK

    Warforged are created
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first modern warforged are created by House Cannith, building creation forges and creating true artificial life

  • 990 YK

    Airships are invented
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first airships are created, designed by House Cannith, piloted by House Lyrandar, and using the Zil gnomes' skills with elemental binding.

  • 994 YK

    The Mourning
    Disaster / Destruction

    A blast of arcane energy wipes out the entire nation of Cyre, filling the country with dead grey mist up to the borders marked on the map. The Last War is put on hold while the nations struggle to find out what happened and how, eventually leading to peace.

  • 998 YK


    Creation of The Court in Exile
    Population Migration / Travel

    The fey of the Court of Time, led by the former Archfey Lord Ashwind, traveled through a manifest zone between Kapaerian Island and the feywild. They discovered the Bright Grove, and settled there forming the Court in Exile.

  • 999 YK


    Sulatar Expedition Arrives

    A military force of Sulatar , led by The Unburned travel to Kapaerian Island searching for Adaxus' Furnace and the Skybreaker. Following their interpretation of draconic prophecy, they began to scour the islands for Su'Lat League magic and technology while displacing the local population.

  • 1000 YK

    20 /8

    Westport founded

    The original settlement of the town begins on Kapaerian Island, off the coast of Xen'drik

    Additional timelines
  • 1001 YK

    9 /6

    Westport Vanished
    Disaster / Destruction

    The town of Westport was found empty of life, with no apparent cause to the disappearance.

  • 1002 YK

    21 /1

    Westport refounded as Beacon

    People start to return to the town formerly known as Westport, renaming it Beacon

    Additional timelines